Of Jesus Wigs and villains even shittier and more insignificant than Ghinius...

Jul 21, 2009 13:15

Hurf durf, because my last entry was made of PMS and RAGE, I'm posting an entry made of... slightly less PMS and RAGE. And also because I haven't given a real update on wtf I've been doing in months, which I probably should for ya'll homies going to AWA. Not to mention I've taken a liking to an animu villain (well, moreso just antagonist) that makes Ghinius look like a characterization masterwork. Unless you start reading fanficshuuuuun, which in that case makes things more awesome than they have the right to be. Yeah, I really, really am a hopeless cause when it comes to not being a stupid fangirl :|

Anyway, AWA. In case you haven't already heard I am NOT doing Artist's Alley this year. Shit happened, it suucked, but I should be doing it again next year. However I will be doing a lot more running around like a crazed, ADHD 10-year-old in a room full of Pixie Sticks. Which may or may not be a good thing, depending on your point of view. But free time due to not having to fold like the Fist or the North Star = OMG AR IS GOING TO COSPLAY WUT. Yep, if all goes well I'll be alternating between a male Team Rocket grunt (based on one of my Gary-StuesOCs), and civilian black dress!Aina Sakhalin (which I actually wore to Momocon already).

Since I was a lazy twat at Momo and didn't get any pics of my Aina there, and because I know one of you wants to see the wig, I ran back home to take some pics while Medusamy sister was out for the first time in a week. Be warned, my face is hideous and greasy as always and this many pics of it may very well cause your body and computing epuipments to spontaniously combust.

Get your barf bags out...





Lookin' kinnda' stoned there, derp.


This is my face after I saw Ar's nasty ass trying to cosplay Aina.

One last shot to murder your eyes with.

Admittedly when I'm actually running around a con I do the unthinkable and *GASP* put on some makeup and wear clothes that don't come from the boy's department (OH JESUS IT'S A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE THE END IS NEAR SAVE YOURSELVES). Because hell, if my sister can sneak into my room and steal my money to buy cigarretes, I can sneak into her room and steal her fondation and lip color to not make people want to stab their eyes out at an animu con. Also that wig started off as a light-blonde Cosworx ELORA Lexy, which is the reason I swear it's the Holy Saviour of cosplay wigs. I can't say for certain, but everything I've heard says Elora wigs are a pain in the ass to dye and kind of suck ass in general, yet this thing took the dye like a fukkin MAGNET and feels reasonable soft IMHO. At least when compared to... I dunno, the way my sister's hair probably feels since she seems to have to change her hair color and style at least 2 times a month in order to live. Which probably doesn't prove much, actually, since my sister's hair probably has the consistency and feel of steel wool. Durdadurr...!

No pics of Rocket Grunt cosplay yet, since I haven't started to actually do shit. Shouldn't take be too much work though, black pants + grey gloves/boots (depending on if I decide to go with anime, R/B/Y, or FireRed/LeafGreen Rocket grunt stylings) + belt (again, type depending on what I try/am able to copy) + black long-sleeved turtle-necked shirt w/giant red R ironed on + black cap (optional) + baby-killing Pokeballs of DEATH from the first movie BK toy promotion (not a must have, as there are other Pokeballs out there, though the clips on those ones could be mighty convieniant) + wig + flattening my boobs with moar sports bras = fuck yes you are the best cheap thrown-together cosplay ever.

Though I might not be able to scrounge for a good wig in time and might commit the unthinkable sin of DUN DUN DUN buying a cheap-ass thing from Party City. Before you all throw me in the gallows, I think I *might* be able to make it look not completely like the spawn of Satan, since my StuOC has a short, boyish, and (for Pokemon especially)tame hairstyle. And if I buy one that's supposed to be long, cut off the excess as soon as I take it out of the package, make the excess into wefts before they turn into a giant mat-ball of death, put in said wefts to fill in the thin spots (which there will be, because it's cheap-ass abomination of Capitalism), and layer and style like I have never layered and styled before, I might be able to make something to at least do the job until I'm able to get something better. Plus I've already made said StuOC in creepy-doll form, so I have an idea as to what I need to do to achieve the style. And well, it might be interesting just to see if such a thing *can * be done and look halfway decent.

As for the other major thing going on in my brain right now, I figured today would be the appropriate day to whore it off since it's the 9th anniversary of the US theatrical release of the only thing this fucker has ever been in (other than the "cameo" in the credits of the 5th movie, and the CoroCoro manga adaptation that we don't talk about because that's NotJiri and we don't talk about NotJiri) . FANGIRLING AHEAD:

Jesus Christ Jiri fill the whole screen with your smug ass why don't you? Anyway, this is that guy I was mentioning to tepintzin as being like Ghinius without the homocial insanity and with even less screen time. And for some reason after stumbling across some fanfiction about him and Giovanni (of gym leader and mob boss fame) dicking around (WHOO AIRSHIPPING), and then looking up more fanfiction in the same vein, and finally making the mistake of unleashing him in a personal RP with my best friend, Ghinius is now forced to finally share a bit of space in my brain with another strange-ass character obsession. Needless to say, he isn't amused.

In case you all are wondering just who the fuck this guy is (which I'm sure is most everyone not from warewacollector ), he's the antagonist from the second Pokemon movie; Revolation Lugia AKA Pokemon the Movie 2000: the Power of One (because in AMERICA, we make sure EVERYTHING incorperates a cheesy moral lesson). He makes the plot happen because he is a spoiled rich guy with a pechant for collecting pretty, historic shinies and is dumb as a board in the common sense department (he spends all his time on an areodynamically-impossible airship from the looks of it). And when he decides 4 legendary bird Pokeymans (Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, and Lugia) would be a great addition to his collection, it throws the climate of the entire world into chaos. Which he remains oblivious to, because he keeps trying to catch the birds even though tsunamis are destroying Viridian City and shit (oh what the Christ Jiri you are the bringer of Armageddon yet you have no fukkin' clue because you don't ever get out of your airship hurf durf). His name is never said in the movie itself, in the Japanese suplimental material he's called "Jirarudan" (where the fan petname "Jiri" comes from), and in some of the English shit he's called "Lawrence III" (though us fantards prefer the former for some reason).

Delicious curly-ques must raep.

And because of his oblivious nature, for some reason he ends up being FUCKING ADORABLE. Not to mention that some of the fanfics I've read about him are some of the best shit I've read since I've bothered to read tepintzin 's stuff like I need to. Srsly, Obsession by blackjackrocket  is one of the best fanmade antagonist backstories I have ever laid my eyes upon. For it does not contain the dreaded woob, nor the terrifying Draco in Leather Pants, at least not IMHO. You wouldn't think the words Pokemon, fanfiction, and good could ever be in the same sentence without a "not" somewhere in the mix, but they can. Sometimes you really can divide by zero.

Anyway, I hope you all's modems aren't completely slaughtered from all the image dumpage. I couldn't control myself :|

cosplay, oh noez fangirling, pokeymans, zomg jiri

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