WARNING: the following contains large amounts of UC FANGIRL RAAAAAAAGE!

Jul 20, 2009 18:47

So I've been hopping on cos.com and other forums and seeing some posts lately that make me want to slap a bitch. Here are exerts from two I found just today, and my response.

"There isn't enough Gundam Wing love at the anime cons anymore D:"

"Sure it's an old anime so not alot of people recognize us"

Bullshit. Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Yes, the days of seeing 20+ Wing cosplayers at a single con are over. Fandoms come and go, so shit like that happens. Cry moar.

However I don't believe for a SECOND that "not alot of people" recognize you when you're running around as Duo or Heero or whatever other member of the Wing boyband you decide to don. Even at cons where you're the only Wing cosplayer, you are still guarenteed to have 90% of the other antendees able to recognize you instantly. Hell, I have a friend who cosplayed manga-outfit RANMA who was mistaken for a Duo multiple times.

Either all the attendees at the cons you're going to were born after 1997 (which would make them about 12 at the oldest) and/or have been literally living under a rock for the last 20 years and have only stepped out within the last month, or you're yet another dumbass Wing fangirl bawwwing about their fandom no longer being the bloated, malignant tumor it once was. And I'm fairly certain the latter is much more likely to be the case.

You think you have it bad cosplaying a Wing character? Try running around as Aina Sakhalin or Garma Zabi or Allenby Beardsly or the Frost Brothers or anyone else from a Gundam series that's NOT Wing, SEED, or 00. You'll be damn lucky if even 15 people recognize you, and even then many usually have to be reminded as to who EXACTLY you are. And the characters I listed are all pretty distinct, major cast members in their respected series.

Don't get me started on other aspects of the fandom either. I could go into a profanity-laced rant for days on yaoi ALONE.

I've tried to keep this shit to myself as much as I can, but it's time I blow off some steam. Honestly, in the eyes of other Gundam fans, types like you look like spoiled brats whining about how they can't get everything their heart's desire served up on a silver platter anymore. BOO-HOO.

So your fandom is dying down? Tough shit, that's life. Either grow up an move on, or kindly shut the fuck up. I'm tired of this motherfucking bawwwing on these motherfucking boards.

oh noez fangirling, rants

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