Hell on Wheels/Gabagool crossover

Nov 09, 2007 15:06

Fans of Mike Dawson's Gabagool and comic book fans everywhere should check out the latest installment of Rob McCarthy's webcomic Hell on Wheels. There's really no other comic that I can think of that's remotely like Hell on Wheels, and I don't think there's a comics creator out there who's got Rob McCarthy's unique creative sensibilities, so please check out the rest of the comics and reviews on his website, and be prepared for...words won't even do it justice.

Shaenon and I have both drawn guest strips for Rob in the past (Shaenon drew most of the first half of Hell on Wheels), and Rob's always on the lookout for additional artists, so please drop him a line if you're interested: robertshaft@yahoo.com

And if you want to read weekly comic reviews from the most hardcore of old-school Marvel & DC fans, send Rob an e-mail and sign up for Rob Review, and prepare for mini-essays on everything from World War Hulk to death threats from crazed para-transit drivers to death threats from drunken karaoke thugs to...man, Rob leads a dangerous life, doesn't he?

Anyway, that's my plug for Hell on Wheels. Read it, if you dare.


This message was paid for by the re-elect Robert McCarthy to write Hell on Wheels Fund.

gabagool, world war hulk, rob review, hell on wheels, mike dawson

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