Interesting Links for 13-06-2018

Jun 13, 2018 12:00

Lowest public solar power contract in the United States: 2.49¢/kWh (tags: solarpower usa ) Government will not reverse the referendum even if it loses key votes. Time to bring it down! (tags: uk government europe Conservatives ) When You Grow Up With Less Than Your Kids, Things Taste Differently (tags: food poverty ) 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People (useful if you have bad mental habits that are making you unhappy) Obviously, if you have actual mental health issues, then you can't think yourself out of them. But for people who simply have bad mental habits, I think there's a few useful things in there which might help break some of them.
(tags: happiness ) US infrastructure. Now courtesy of Domino's pizza (tags: pizza infrastructure usa ) Macedonia and Greece: Deal after 27-year row over a name (tags: Greece Macedonia names ) Composition of complex sugars in breast milk may prevent future food allergies (tags: breastfeeding allergies ) Today's dads are engaging more with their kids: Fatherhood norms shifting alongside masculinity (tags: parenting men fatherhood children emotion ) British overseas territories in talks to keep tax haven secrecy (tags: tax secrecy ) CBI chief: Car firms face extinction because of Brexit (tags: uk europe cars trade OhForFucksSake ) EU rejects Labour's Brexit single market policy as 'cakeism' (tags: europe uk labour ) Gig economy: heating engineer wins claim against Pimlico Plumbers (tags: work uk law ) EA on the backlash against women in Battlefield V: ‘Accept it or don’t buy the game’ (tags: women misogyny games ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

work, women, law, conservatives, usa, secrecy, trade, games, emotion, children, links, men, government, pizza, ohforfuckssake, cars, uk, europe, fatherhood, labour, macedonia, misogyny, solarpower, parenting, breastfeeding, poverty, tax, food, names, infrastructure, greece, happiness, allergies

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