There's much more empty retail space in the US than in other countries on a per capita level
usa uk design )
Laziness Does Not Exist
When I was first working here I'd spend _weeks_ being avoidant, get myself into a complete mess, and then have to go to a senior dev/mentor and say I was completely stuck. And then they'd help me to unpick it and talk it through to the point where I was ready to go, and suddenly it was (fairly) easy.
Without that help I'd have really suffered, and quite possibly lost my job. Instead, I am now a senior developer, mentoring and supporting others, and a massive asset who's appreciated by the people around me.
That's why it annoys me when people are written off as being lazy, rather than helped to be better and do better (or decide that they're in the wrong job and should go do something which suits them better).
procrastination psychology viaSwampers )
Renaissance painting or Baroque painting - Trump edition
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The former goalkeeper who gives a voice to sex workers and LGBT people
sport football twitter lgbt awesome )
On Writing the Comics-and Queer Characters-We Need. Neil Gaiman and N.K. Jemisin in Conversation
neilgaiman nkjemisin writing comics race lgbt )
15 Sci-Fi Books To Read If You Need A Break From Dystopian Novels
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Is the British press turning against Brexit?
uk europe media journalism corruption russia )
This stomach-coating pill is a potential treatment for diabetes
diabetes food )
See where your home was when dinosaurs roamed the earth!
prehistory maps )
Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.