Interesting Links for 27-11-2017

Nov 27, 2017 12:00

A recent study claimed that 41 per cent of transgender prisoners are sex offenders - this is why it's false (tags: transgender prison uk fraud ) Who _doesn't_ want an acapella mashup of "Carol of the Bells" and "The Bells of Notre Dame"??? (tags: music video christmas Disney ) ‘I was threatened for suggesting gender-neutral language’ (tags: gender language school UK media OhForFucksSake ) On Autism “Cures” (tags: autism ) On Renewables And Being Cheaper Than Gas (tags: renewables economics electricity thefuture ) Ultraman vs The Very Cute Fluffy Kaiju (tags: cats funny ) Poledancing with your cat (tags: cats cute dancing ) I had no idea that coyotes and badgers hunt cooperatively (amazing photos) (tags: animals cooperation ) Photovoltaic growth: reality versus projections of the IEA (tags: solarpower electricity thefuture predictions ) Spaniards face ham shortage as Chinese market gets taste for jamón ibérico (tags: China Spain pigs food ) The GDPR Will Drain the Ad Tech Cookie Pool (tags: surveillance privacy Europe data advertising ) When numbers aren’t neutral: the hidden politics of budget calculators (tags: tax society politics ViaDrCross ) Momentum loyalty test planned for would-be Labour MPs (tags: Labour politics uk ) Nazis Are Just Like You and Me, Except They're Nazis (tags: nazis satire media usa ) Why most men won't dance (tags: dancing men ) 'Relay crime' car theft caught on camera (tags: video car theft crime ) Successful actress Meghan Markle to wed former soldier (tags: funny marriage royalty uk ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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