Interesting Links for 26-11-2017

Nov 26, 2017 12:00

A nice look at "Roko's Basilisk" and whether you should be worried that a future AI will raise you from the dead to torture you forever And some more information about the idea's origins, and the misunderstandings around it.
(tags: AI thefuture ) Ireland has punctured Brexiteers’ wishful thinking (tags: Ireland UK europe ) The Uncertain Future of Bitcoin Futures (tags: economics finance bitcoin ) Dark Souls Gets Loot Boxes (tags: satire games video money ) Doctor Who theme's co-creator honoured with posthumous PhD (tags: music history drwho ) Stop being such a dick about Temple of Love, Andrew Eldritch told (tags: music goth funny ) Russian Miner Spends His Breaks Taking Photos Of Foxes In The Arctic Circle (tags: russia foxes cute ) What’s the most annoying question to ask a nun (in 1967) (tags: religion women anger ) Everything is better with explosions (tags: explosions funnny ) One in two people will get a cancer diagnosis. Yet our treatment still focuses on the disease, not the person’s specific needs (tags: cancer disease healthcare society ) Quantum Theory Rebuilt From Simple Physical Principles (tags: quantum physics ) How the sandwich consumed Britain - and freed us from society itself (tags: food uk ) In honor of Thomas Friedman’s latest love letter to Saudi here is 70 years of the NY Times describing Saudi royals in the language of reform (tags: reform saudiarabia ) Young man with Asperger's dumped by B&M after 15 hours of free work as campaigners demand end to 'trial' shifts I don't object to trial shifts. I do object to them being for free! If you're working, you should be paid.
(tags: pay work viaJennieRigg OhForFucksSake ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

music, work, goth, society, finance, women, viajennierigg, thefuture, funnny, quantum, drwho, pay, economics, disease, satire, reform, russia, games, foxes, explosions, links, history, healthcare, ohforfuckssake, cute, uk, europe, funny, ai, anger, bitcoin, video, physics, saudiarabia, money, cancer, ireland, food, religion

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