Interesting Links for 27-05-2016

May 27, 2016 12:00

Anti-Choice Groups Use Smartphone Surveillance to Target 'Abortion-Minded Women' During Clinic Visits (tags: abortion phones advertising OhForFucksSake ) Taylor Swift - Aryan Goddess. (tags: music racism EpicWTF ) 50% of misogynistic tweets are from women (tags: twitter misogyny abuse gender women ) I firmly believe it is possible to make a good Warcraft movie. Sadly, this is not what we are getting (tags: games movies fail review viaSwampers ) Inside The Surprisingly Big Overwatch Porn Scene (tags: porn games animation ) Star Wars Episode IV and VII Shot Comparison (tags: StarWars video ) I'm not addicted to my phone, it's just that I have an anxious attachment style High anxiety, low avoidance apparently. According to (option B)
(tags: anxiety phones psychology ) In the Game of Moulds you Spore or you Die (tags: video gameofthrones ) The average age is going up, all over the world. We're all going to have to adjust (tags: age pensions demographics viaDanielDWilliam ) Number of metal bands per million people for each country in Europe (tags: HeavyMetal music demographics visualisation maps europe ) Researchers have found a person in the United States carrying bacteria resistant to antibiotics of last resort (tags: antibiotics bacteria disease ) Steven Moffat on the casting of Pearl Mackie and Diversity in the BBC (tags: drwho StevenMoffat race diversity ) No, this isn’t the start of the antibiotic apocalypse, just bad reporting (tags: antibiotics reporting newspapers media ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

music, bacteria, demographics, advertising, women, phones, antibiotics, twitter, movies, drwho, disease, pensions, games, abortion, anxiety, diversity, abuse, links, epicwtf, ohforfuckssake, newspapers, media, europe, starwars, video, reporting, visualisation, fail, porn, misogyny, stevenmoffat, race, age, maps, gameofthrones, viadanieldwilliam, gender, heavymetal, racism, animation, psychology, viaswampers, review

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