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kalimac April 10 2016, 18:48:18 UTC
1) Police bodycam. I am absolutely not going to take any test in which one of the questions is "How confident are you in your answer? Very confident; Somewhat confident; Mildly uncertain; Very uncertain." I call that sort of thing "cheeseparing."

2) The visa war between the US and Canada on one side and the EU on the other may be added to the ID war currently going on in the US between the TSA and several individual states, including mine, over driving licenses. These states are disinclined to follow various ornate TSA-generated rules for the security of the licenses, and the TSA is threatening to cease accepting them as ID. Which would mean that anyone from those states wishing to take a plane flight would need a passport, even for a domestic flight.

3) I learned how a car engine works from a children's book on the subject over 50 years ago. That was before fuel injection, but judging from the diagrams here, that really hasn't changed the process all that much. The funny part is that my mother read the same book but claimed not to understand it.

4) Some grammar violations don't annoy me, but plenty do. Apostrophe misuse the most so. Whenever I see it's when its is meant, I point at it and exclaim IT'S! at it, in my best Michael Palin imitation as loudly as possible.


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