Interesting Links for 10-04-2016

Apr 10, 2016 12:00

The ‘drugs v talking’ debate doesn’t help us understand mental health (tags: mentalhealth therapy psychology drugs ) New findings about schizophrenia rekindle old questions about genes and identity. (tags: schizophrenia genetics ) Police Body Cameras: What Do You See? (tags: cameras police bias ) Hacking Elections: How Andrés Sepúlveda rigged elections throughout Latin America for almost a decade. (tags: hacking politics elections ) The Rich Bastard's Guide to Choosing Which Tax Haven Is Right For You (tags: tax ) Speed Dating - a cute live action stop-motion short film (tags: dating relationships video movie ) In Four Days, Americans and Canadians might need visas to visit Europe (tags: travel europe usa canada ) How US domination makes things cheap for Americans (tags: usa economics currency ) Neutered random number generator let man rig million dollar lotteries (tags: lottery hacking ) The First Reactions To CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Say It's Incredible (tags: marvel movies reviews viaBartCalendar ) A friend is looking for good examples of competence erotica (tags: writing advice science ) This Is What Happened When Your Mom Runs Your Tinder for a Month (tags: dating relationships funny mother ) How wine forgery works (tags: alcohol fraud ) Fifty psychological and psychiatric terms to avoid (tags: psychology language ) How a Car Engine Works (tags: cars animation visualization engineering ) Sure, I’m a Feminist, But If I Support Other Women, How Will I Become the Highlander? (tags: movies feminism funny ) Millennial Employees Confound Big Banks (tags: work banking usa ) Humans and robots work in sync at Amazon warehouses (for now) (tags: amazon robots ) Driverless bus in Greece has had no accidents in six months (tags: automation transport buses greece ) The problem with Superman is that he has lost his Jewish heritage (tags: Jews judaism superman ) Are you a grammar pedant? This might be why (tags: grammar personality ) Frog and Toad are Cofounders (tags: development business computers Technology satire ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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