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gonzo21 April 5 2016, 11:32:15 UTC
I was reading a Tumblr the other day of a self-identifying 'Shy awkward nerd boy' who didn't understand why he couldn't get a girlfriend, he was a nice guy, what was wrong with women? Etc. etc.

And his Tumblr was full of torture porn, bestiality, satanism and more pictures of drugs than I've ever seen anywhere.

And I was thinking you know, I think I can maybe see his problem here.

Women being the Hitler's of sex made me think of him.

I'm honestly not sure what all the angry white male hate is going to do when Trump loses. I rather fear there will be more and more mass shootings in America. All that anger is going to go somewhere. And Trump has not been shy about telling angry white men they should unleash their violence.


andrewducker April 5 2016, 11:39:24 UTC
Yeah. I think there's a fundamental lack of empathy somewhere, and thinking about things from the other person's point of view.

As soon as I started thinking "What behaviour would a partner look for in me?" I became a vastly better partner. And that doesn't mean stopping being yourself - but you need to be aware of how your actions are going to affect others, and how that's going to affect you in turn.


gonzo21 April 5 2016, 11:47:52 UTC
And as much as I don't like blaming technology for social woes, I do half wonder if part of this problem is that people are spending more and more time interacting with screens rather than with other people. And these guys are getting into circles where they only interact with other similiar guys.

Like that women relating her teenaged visit to a game store, where a bunch of guys all started chanting sexual abuse at her. Which was actually, I had to stop reading that article because it was so upsetting. But yeah, there's clearly as you say a fundemental lack of empathy. A complete inability to assess how their shitty behaviour might affect other people. I mean, why would a girl be put off talking to a guy with an obsession with torture porn? What's wrong with her!

Makes me sad and angry and ashamed though, all this gamergater bullshit and the whinging man-babies.


andrewducker April 5 2016, 14:22:17 UTC
I can assure you that gaming stores had really shitty behaviour long before the internet was popular.


gonzo21 April 5 2016, 14:30:37 UTC
I remember Forbidden Planet in Edinburgh back in the day, when they were still nearer the University campus (Just over from potter row?) and you just never saw any women in there full stop.


newandrewhickey April 6 2016, 07:32:48 UTC
I changed which comic shop I go to about ten years ago, because my wife refuses to enter the Forbidden Planet in Manchester, and with good reason.


gonzo21 April 6 2016, 12:08:09 UTC
I was in the Glasgow Forbidden Planet a few years ago, and it had a better mix of people in there. And a very beautiful young redhead lady working the counter. And I couldn't help but think gosh, I hope she doesn't get too much weirdness thrown her way.


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