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Comments 16

philmophlegm June 6 2013, 11:37:00 UTC
The AD&D flowchart is a work of beauty.


andrewducker June 6 2013, 11:40:13 UTC
I haven't actually seen it yet - I read the article on my phone, and tagged it from there, and I'm looking forward to taking a look later!


spacelem June 6 2013, 20:24:14 UTC
The way AD&D is meant to be played is to throw away the AD&D rulebook, and play Original D&D. Which, I note, you have as your userpic. I heartily approve!

Seriously, it's better. AD&D was only meant for tournament play, and tries to force everything so that things would be the same from table to table. The motto of AD&D is anything not permitted is forbidden, whereas the motto for OD&D is anything not forbidden is permitted.

Also, there's this wonderful line at the bottom of page 8 of Men & Magic:
Other Character Types: There is no reason that players cannot be allowed to play as virtually anything, provided they begin relatively weak and work up to the top, i.e., a player wishing to be a Dragon would have to begin as let us say, a "young" one and progress upwards in the usual manner, steps being predetermined by the campaign
referee.In other words, even though there was very little written in the book, you were supposed to just make it up as you went along, do whatever felt right, and what you enjoyed doing. Totally against the ( ... )


philmophlegm June 6 2013, 21:21:50 UTC

Most of my role-playing is my own version of the Traveller rules. The basic principle of this is 'Roll 2d6 and try to beat the number that I just arbitrarily made up'.

Having said that, you should see my 22mb Excel spreadsheet interstellar trading system...


artkouros June 6 2013, 11:42:44 UTC
naked childrens! ohnoes!


andrewducker June 6 2013, 11:45:25 UTC
Yeah. As a child I was naked a fair bit. And still wander about in as little clothes as possible when at home, because I mostly find it more comfortable than clothing. The idea that all nudity is sexual is one that bothers me quite a lot.


danieldwilliam June 6 2013, 11:51:10 UTC
Yeah - me too.

Similarly I often wonder about my home with not many clothes on.

The Captain, aged 3 and a bit, can barely be induced to keep his strides on when we’re at any place with water. Photographing his lovely squishy toddlerness with him closed is pretty much impossible.


philmophlegm June 6 2013, 12:54:39 UTC
But the article reveals what I think is a cultural difference. Many people are like you three and see nothing wrong with being naked or letting small children be naked. Other people (and I'm one of them) would find being being naked or being around naked adults (with obvious exceptions) or children very uncomfortable. (I lock the bathroom door when I have a bath, even if I'm the only person in the house ( ... )


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