Can you tell what it is yet? (It's a poll!)

Nov 25, 2011 13:01

Assuming a group of touchscreen devices, each of which is capable of making phone calls, surfing the web, etc., of the following sizes, how would you describe them?


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Comments 50

andrewducker November 25 2011, 13:02:14 UTC

bohemiancoast November 25 2011, 13:07:21 UTC
I used to have (still have, in fact, if anyone would like to make me an offer) a Nokia 770 which was neither fish nor fowl in a big way. That was 4.13 but with bezels. I think I've said 4.3 is a phone but I'm not sure I believe that. It would have to be 4.3 edge to edge I think to be a phone.


andrewducker November 25 2011, 13:26:24 UTC
4.3" is the Desire HD, which now I've played with one I'd be happy to use as a phone.
4.7" is the new Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
5.3" is the Samsung Galaxy Note, which is big enough to come with a stylus so you can use it to take notes on!

I'm definitely going to have to play with a Galaxy Nexus directly before deciding if it's going to fit in my pockets ok.


drainboy November 25 2011, 13:33:08 UTC
No access to a measuring device so I'll go with "would I hold it up to my ear to make a phone call with it?" if so -> phone, if not -> not phone :)


momentsmusicaux November 25 2011, 13:44:19 UTC
Likewise. I can't reliably picture any of those sizes.


andrewducker November 25 2011, 13:46:54 UTC
I can give you model names if that would help :->

My phone is 3.7", if that helps.


octopoid_horror November 25 2011, 17:22:21 UTC
That is probably the best answer.

If you're making a phone call with it and you're not holding it up to your ear then either

a] you're making a handsfree call on your phone and thus are a bit of a dick and are probably annoying everyone else nearby because people can't make handsfree calls without shouting generally
b] you're making a handsfree call on your tablet and thus are a bit of a dick as above and probably a poser too.


strawberryfrog November 25 2011, 14:18:15 UTC
Rule of thumb: If it can surf the web then it is a computer.


andrewducker November 25 2011, 14:18:56 UTC

But does that mean it is not a phone?


strawberryfrog November 25 2011, 14:34:07 UTC
If it has a GSM sim in it, and you can make voice calls on it, it is also a phone.

If it's large enough (rule of ... thumb says more then 6 inches or so) it's also a tablet.

So it looks more like multiple choice.


bart_calendar November 25 2011, 14:29:42 UTC
Simple rule of thumb: If it's smaller than the average penis it's a phone. If it's penis sized or larger it's a tablet.


andrewducker November 25 2011, 14:31:37 UTC
Now there's a heuristic I can stand behind!


bart_calendar November 25 2011, 14:33:22 UTC
Wait until I show the ladies my eight inch phone.


andrewducker November 25 2011, 14:43:42 UTC
Dammit! No making me giggle in the office!


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