Dec 31, 2007 22:19
So when I look back upon this year, what stands out for me?
The first and most important thing is that I moved to Ireland. This pleases me for so many different reasons. First of all it took the relationship between Svenja and I to the next level, and we are now able to see one another much more often and far easier than previously. I also enjoy the move because it showed that if I want something, I can achieve it, no matter how difficult it may be. I did have help during the process of moving, but the bulk of the work was my own and without help. I showed to myself that I can do things, even if others do doubt. Final reason I shall list is that I enjoy life in Ireland and have made good friends and settled myself really well. I'm extremely proud of what I did this summer.
The year started really high, with the birth of my nephew, Benjamin. He's grown a lot this year and was walking unaided by the time he reached 6/7 months of age. He's starting to form his first words at the moment, and is developing very fast. He's insanely cute and I love him to pieces. 2007 will always be associated with the birth of my first nephew.
However, there have been down sides. Both my grandmother and my uncle sadly passed away this year, in varying circumstances. My grandmother's health had been on the wane recently and it came as no surprise to us - in fact, it was more a comfort. She was "only" 60-odd years of age, and a few years ago was very spritely. However, things deteriorated and she sadly passed on. I was very close to her growing up and would spend many weekends with my grandparents. Her death hit me hard.
My uncle also passed on in this summer, very suddenly and unexpectedly. It was completely out of the blue and shocked everyone - in fact, I still have trouble accepting it now. I will always remember - and be thankful of - watching England vs West Indies at Old Trafford early this year. He, like myself, was a great cricket fan and we would often discuss the trials and tribulations of England's fortunes and successes. To have shared that day - which we all enjoyed - so near towards the sudden end is some comfort to me.
That is how I would sum up 2007.
Overall, it has been a good year, and I have enjoyed it. I feel it has shaped me immeasurably as a person, and made me far stronger - and better - than I was at the start. I look to carry forward all these positives into 2008, and aim to make the year even better.
All that remains is to wish you all a very happy New Year, and to wish you all the very best in the coming 12 months.