Feb 09, 2006 13:51
Today is Thursday. I said this because I have no other idea how to begin this. Tomorrow I have an oral report due in my Intro to Film class....I have to do it on Citizen Kane. Damn. I probably should watch that a second time, but I don't want to fall asleep when doing so. Anyway.
So I got fired yesterday, from my assistanceship in the scene shop at the school. For two weeks at the beginning of the semester, I didn't have any hours logged (I go when I want) so they assumed I wanted to quit and "released" me. Now that sounds all well and good at first, but then you get to the real world:
1) The scene shop foreman, James, didn't come back to school for a week. There was nothing going on in the shop during that first week of school anyway, so I couldn't log hours to sit there and stare into space.
2) No, I didn't log any hours during the second week of school. That's because I was getting a second job, which is going very well, thank you, at the Coca Cola Space Science Center. The only time I had to go get an interview with them was on a Tuesday or Thursday afternoon, because I get out of class at 3:30 on Monday and Wednesday, and the Science Center closes at 4. Across town.
3) They thought when I was in there for 7 hours last week, I was there for my Theatre Practice in the Scene Shop hours. There's a problem. I'm not taking Theatre Practice in the Scene Shop, I'm taking Theatre Practice in the Costume Shop. They just didn't bother to check my schedule instead of taking an assumed position. Thanks for that, CSU.
In conclusion: A) They assumed I had a class and that's why I was there, and didn't bother to check.
B) They aren't going to pay me for the 11 hours I've worked since they removed me from the payroll
C) They didn't tell me they "released" me (fired me) until almost two weeks after the fact. They claim they didn't see me so they couldn't contact me. (I've got a school email address they know about. I've got a personal email address they know about. I've got a cell phone number they know about (all are on record) I've got a box in the theatre lounge with my damn name on it, specifically supposed to be used when someone, maybe faculty, maybe student, can't find me and needs to send me a note of some kind. My 5 roommates (you heard me) are all constantly around the Theatre Dept. and the faculty knows who hangs around who, so they could've passed me a message down the grapevine, that I didn't have my job anymore)
D) They didn't bother to ASK why I wasn't there during those 2 weeks (1 week if we're in the real world...wait, this isn't the real world, this is the CSU Theatre Dept., where up is down, and wrong is what's accepted). When having my boss sign my timesheet 2 weeks ago, that was full of zero hours, he made a remark about how I didn't have any time logged. While I started talking, and explaining that I needed some time to settle in and arrange my new job, he stopped listening and walked off, without so much as a glance in my direction. Prick.
This brings me to my next point: I have decided this is going to be my last semester here. I'm not happy here. I don't like it here. I don't care for the people here. I hate most of the faculty at this school, and I'm tired of the bullshit politics I have to deal with to get a fucking piece of paper that says "I went to school".
I think I'm also going to change my major. To what, you might ask? Well, I think I may just go full film major. There's also the idea of going into Interactive Software Design. (meaning videogames) I've always tried to take the statement "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life." to heart. I love videogames. 1 + 1 = 2.
So where shall I go? Good question. There are two schools, both are good schools, where I can do either of these majors. One is Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). The other is Full Sail. Both have pros and cons, and once I talk to my parents about all this (they won't be happy) then I'm going to do college visits. I'm going to be more prepared about my new college than I was about my current one. (I'll probably have to take loans to get through school this time around. I doubt my parents are going to front the money to go to another 4 year school, or a private 2 year)