Sep 18, 2005 20:34
hello my name is andrew corrion and i am a loser
i have like 2 friends and i smell
i am known as the big slow smelly kid at msu
no one likes me and i cant sit by anyone in class because i get so sweaty walking there
i wish people would like me
oh yeah, i also want taco bell
good day
May 30, 2005 00:06
so today the pistons lost. they are down 1-2 and i'm not gonna lie i'm a little mad.
well stef since your the only one who is gonna read this, i'm glad everything is good again, its just like old times, i love you.
oh yeah, i also went to taco bell.
Dec 19, 2004 16:44
I am never going to update. I made this so I can look in journals that are friends only.