Barack Obama sweeped to victory becoming not only the 44th American President but the first black person to win a white house.
Today, history is made and I was able to watch it unfold. Since last night, I was tuned in to CNN. I slept with the TV on and woke up to the first poll results with Obama leading. I just love marathon coverages, hehe. At around noon, when West Coast polling stations closed, CNN already projected Obama to win with the remaining States considered to be Obama strongholds.A few minutes later, McCain and Palin conceded. An hour later, Obama finally appeared before a huge crowd in Chicago and made his victory address. Seeing Oprah and other blacks teary-eyed in the audience, I felt the big-dealness of the event. It's the most important turning point every African-American had been waiting for since they obtained equal rights. It's the fullfilment of Martin Luther King. It's the realization of Morgan Freeman who played US President in a number of films. Everything was emotional.
This is F-U-C-K-I-N-G history. When Sidney Poitier won the Oscars, I wasn't even alive. Today, when the first African-American won the White House, I had to pause from eating my lunch and witness it on live TV.
I hope I would live to see the day when a Latino and an Asian follow the steps of Obama.