Title: Behind my mask
andreja1989Lenght: multichapter
Pairing: Sakuraiba, slight Ohmiya, AibaxOC (Hamada Sumiko), JunxOC (Yoshida Rae)
Rating for this chapter: NC-17 (well... you know what ^^)
Genre: AU, romance, angst, action, fantasy, fluff, school life
Disclaimer: I don't own them, sadly. I own only the OC xD
Summary: He is perfect in many ways because
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hahaha lol perfection for characters, interesting xDD
well Aiba is still a guy who needs a lot of attention but that doesn't make him spoiled, he is just blind and thinks that Sho wouldn't see him in any other way as a friend ne... (need to defend Ma-chan xD)
hehe honestly I also wanted Sho to simply tell Aiba his true reason but am saving it for later ne... haha that's my only reason so I had to complicate it so Sho denies it xD
haha yeah I love cliffhangers gomen xDD and you read so fast and now you have to wait until next Sunday ne... sigh gomen ne... that liquid? something hmmm how to say... something that will cause changes to Sho that's why he had such a reaction to it... but he was prepared, he knew what it can cause what are the consequences and risks but still went with it, trusting Aiba's parents who invented it... so... now you have to wait to know more about it ^^
really thanks for reading and posting a wonderful and loooooong comment xD simply love it xD and thanks for all the ncie words you used ^^
wuao explained like that, it looks like that liquid will give superpowers to Sho xD I'm overreacting and imaging things as always, gomen xD
btw now that I was able to catch up, I'll make sure to read this fanfic every sunday \(*O*)/
hehe not exactly superpowers xD won't turn into something weird... you should know Aiba's parents wouldn't invent something bad ne... and as Sho said in this chapter: "The book which so many want, crave to have it and solve one of the humanities mysteries which for now still lies in my hands." xDD that's the hint xD
yaaay I look forward ne ^^ yoroshiku~~~
*too much things come to mind*
*nothing seems legit*
ok, i think i'll go to sleep wondering about it xD
oyasumi m(_ _)m
sure sleep nicely thinking about it xDD
like endless life or the power to cure any illness...ma, ma, ma!
I don't want to say more or I will spoiler myself all the plot xD
hihi I better don't say anymore myself hihi *zips her mouth* xD
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