#153: Rec List: Crossover af (With Avengers)

Oct 05, 2015 08:56

Since I'm already late to work trash, have another rec post. Why not? Day 4: Crossover af. (With Aveners.) Basically this should be a list of things nicely crossovered with MCU. However, I suck at time managment and organisation, so have just two (and a half) examples of such awesome crossovrs. (BTW, I thought of doing "all fandoms cross with Harry Potter", but it seemed obvious. And like a lot of work.)

Title: Seduction By Aviation (series)
Author: flawedamythyst
Pairing(s)/Characters: Tony Stark/Martic Crieff (MCU/Cabin Pressure)
Rating: PG13/Teen And Up
Word Count: 107,789
Warnings: -
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: lots of aeroplane talk, 'cause that's got them going, Martin being adorable, so much, Tony being in luv, so much.
Summary: (of the first part) “Oh,” said Martin in a tone of voice that usually signalled the sighting of some obscure vintage aeroplane. “You're Tony Stark.”

Why I loved it: I generally love 99% of everything flawedamythyst writes. One of my fave thing about their writing though is how they take a silly/cracky/ridiculous idea or prompt and make it work. Seriously. I mean Tony and Martin? AND YET IT WORKS. BRILLIANTLY. And he calls him a Spitfire, omg.

Excerpt: “You'll have to forgive Captain Fanboy here,” said Douglas, finally managing to get a coffee out of the machine. “He wanted to be an aeroplane when he was younger.”

Stark raised an eyebrow. “Did you?”

Martin blushed a dull red colour that clashed with his hair. “When I was very, very young.”

“I wanted to be a Ferrari for a bit,” said Stark.

Title: Rattle Loose Your Bones
Author: Sidara
Pairing(s)/Characters: Derek/Stiles, Steve/Tony (so, Teen Wolf/MCU)
Rating: R/Mature
Word Count: 38,529
Warnings: some violence
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: -
Summary: (of the first part) Stiles has to learn to live with his choice. So does everyone else.

Why I loved it: I admit I've read thatages ago and there was also another crossover of those canons I liked, so I'd probably mix them up if I tried to tell you a lot about it. But I love Stiles always being in the middle of trouble. And his relation with Tony.

Excerpt: Stiles looked up from his blood and brain-covered bat to where Tony Stark stood not even five feet away in his ruined tuxedo. Pepper Potts hovered at his elbow, her StarkPhone plastered to her ear as she spoke intently to whoever was on the other side of the line. The bruise coming up on her bare arm was the perfect shape of Stiles’ handprint from when he’d grabbed her and hauled her out of the hellhound’s walking buffet line. The three of them were the only ones left in the now destroyed private gallery.

And since I hate ending on two and I am an atention seeker - self rec! Of one rather silly fic I wrote for megan_moonlight some time ago. Enjoy.

Title: Double Date
Author: andrea_deer
Pairing(s)/Characters: Mycroft/Lestade, Clint/Coulson
Rating: PG13/Teen And Up
Word Count: 2.499
Warnings: -
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Summary: I think the title rather says it all.

Excerpt: "You must be office's favourite if you're report meetings go like that."

"I am the gem of the team," agreed Barton. "Why? Don't you get free posh meals for your troubles?"

"Only for some of them. For most I just get extra paperwork."

"That I can relate to," cut in Coulson with a glance at his companion.

"That wasn't me, it was Stark."

"You are not even aware to what I am reffering to."

"The answer still stands."

fic recs: cabin pessure, rectober, fic recs: sherlock, self rec, fic recs: teen wolf, rec post, fic rec, fic rec: mcu

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