You see I have this weird goal of mine, I basically want to finish and post a bigbang challenge fic to every one of my main fandoms. So far I managed The X-Files (though I'm not very proud of it and I hope to do better with another XF bigbang challenge), CW RPS (and I really liked this one, thank you very much;)) and I'm about to post Sherlock BBC bigbang pretty soon. So, this year I signed up for
spn_j2_bigbang with my John/Azazel story, hoping I will manage to finally add Supernatural to my list.
The bad thing is that I got this plot-bunny years ago and I'm not entirely sure I can manage writing it now. Not to mention I will miss terribly angels in my bigbang. And I'm a bit preocupied with new fandoms. Speaking of I heard about Sherlock Holmes bigbang, which accepts fics for both BBC Sherlock and 2009 movie Sherlock and... Well, I know I already wrote a story for Sherlock and I'm happy with it, but... I think I want another one. Or five.
Argh. I should probably worry more about my bachelor's thesis than this, right? Wrong.