(no subject)

May 14, 2012 20:52

Two awesome, inspiring men have died over the past few days.

Denny Fitch, the off-duty pilot who stepped into the cockpit to help steer a plane with no flight control, and by doing so helped save 184 of the 296 people on United Flight 232, has died aged 69.

And Don Ritchie, the 'Angel of the Gap' who is thought to have saved upwards of 160 lives over the past 40 years by approaching would-be suicides at the edge of The Gap near his home, has died aged 86. He used to approach with a gentle smile, ask "Is there anything I could do to help you?" and often ended up bringing people home for tea and toast.

Gentlemen, I salute you both. Rest well now.

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good stuff

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