May 22, 2011 22:28

You guys, you guys, today I had a Revelation! I baked something. I did it with yeast and the yeast turned into dough and it rose and I punched it and kneaded it and made something awesome. This was my first (successful) time baking with live yeast. OH MY WORD. It's amazing. The dough comes together into a lovely squishy ball! It feels so strangely smooth and pliant under my hands! It makes the kitchen smell heavenly!

For those who are interested, this is the recipe: Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread. Highly recommended. I think when I next make it, I'll use less sugar than she suggests; it was so sticky and gooey and cinnamony, I nearly overdosed, which is a feat considering I only ate about a quarter of it.

Now I am planning to make a savoury version with cheese. OM NOM NOM. Baking! With yeast! I recommend it!

I also finished blocking a shawl. Again, YOU GUYS. It is black cashmere. It is massive - 7 feet in wingspan, easily, and the bottom panel hits my bum. It is done in the Faroese style, meaning it's shaped so it stays on my shoulders. Here's a quick sneak preview of it blocking:

Tomorrow is a day I am not looking forward to. I have a lot to do; I have to give two workshops this week, and my sidekick/second-in-command is also going to be in. She is only in one day a week and it's hard work; she's so gung-ho and she works really hard and has so many ideas, that I find myself a bit whirled around while she's in. Still, she is smart and funny and worth her weight in gold. Or in cinnamon sugar bread.

Also, I liked this week's (UK) Doctor Who. Phew!

good stuff, food, knitting

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