Excerpts of Togetherness: Heartsongs, part 6

Jun 30, 2009 01:44

Part 6

“We’re here,” Eiri murmured, helping Shuichi out of the car.  Once he was sure the brat had his feet, he tugged off the blindfold.

Shuichi gasped at the sight of the semi-dark Odaiba Amusement Park.  “It’s-” Half the lights were down, “Closed.”  He blinked then turned to his lover.  “What’s going on here?”

“I booked out the place in its out-of-hours,” Eiri said, accepting the little cushion Miyanaga handed him -Shuichi’s sitting pillow for the night.  “Well, not the whole place, just parts of it.”

"You what?!" Shuichi exclaimed, voice cracking an octave higher in shock, arms flapping upward in his extreme surprise.  "Really?!"

"Stop yelling," ordered the writer, sticking a cigarette between his lips and lighting up.  He took a deep drag, relishing the rush of nicotine, "Let's go."  And he led the way past the guards stationed and into the park to the waiting young woman just inside.

"Good evening, Yuki-sensei," she said and bowed.  "We've left the three amusements open for you as you requested."  She presented him with a large bag of token coins and a slip of paper.  "Please keep this phone number with you at all times should you require the assistance of a member of staff."  She gestured to herself and another guy standing just behind and beside her, both of them smiling politely.

"Thank you," he said, smiling slightly in return and giving a courteous nod.

"Well then," she bowed again, "We shall remain here until you need help.  Do enjoy yourselves."

"We will," Eiri told her and tucked the cushion under his arm, grabbing Shuichi's hand, to lead the way into the deserted, half-darkened amusement park.

"Eiri!" Shuichi squawked, arms flapping again, still flustered and a bit confused.  "Odaiba? Rides?  What?!"

"Only three rides are open," the writer explained patiently.  He glanced back, "The rollercoaster, the shooting gallery and the Ferris wheel."

Shuichi stared back in amazement before suddenly tearing up, chin wobbling with emotion.  "Eiri?  Eiri, wait."  He pulled back, forcing the writer to stop else get his arm yanked out of its socket.

"Hn?"  He took a deep drag and blew it out.  "What?"

"You did all this for our date?"  Shuichi quietly asked, purple eyes swimming with happy tears, a grin teasing at his lips.  "All for our date?!"

"Something like that," the writer allowed carefully, trying for nonchalant.  Couldn't spill all the beans now, could he?

"Eiriiii!!" Shuichi squealed and launched himself into the writer's arms.

Catching the brat, Eiri held him close, giving a resigned sigh to wait out the flood of emotion and excited babble;

"Oh I can't believe you did this, it's so not like you, I would never have guessed!  This is so much better than any date I could have ever imagined and I don’t care you put the toy in me because I’ve enjoyed everything we’ve done tonight!  And no press!  I can't imagine how you even managed that, it almost seemed like they'd disappeared off the face of the planet and this is all just…!  I mean, I know you don't do romance even if you know all about it and what to do, so I never thought you'd do something like this but I totally liked it all and I just love you so much!!"

"Breathe," Eiri reminded him, equal parts amused and annoyed, setting the idiot back down.  "And don't get any slobber on me."

Letting go to swipe at his tears, Shuichi smiled widely up at him, eyes sparkling.  "You’re an amazing man for a silly grouch."  He shifted a little, smile dimming, a shadow of internal conflict in his eyes a moment before he spoke again, quietly, “I know what you’re doing and I’m so happy you did.  You really take such good care of me.”

Squashing the urge to argue that he really didn’t, a trickle of fear still there in the back of his mind that one day Shuichi would notice it too, he simply nodded.

As if reading his mind, Shuichi said quietly, sincerely, on a tone slightly breathy with fondness and that worship Shuichi had for him, “I love you, too.”

"Hn," Eiri grunted, curling his arm around his lover’s waist.  But something warm, as always, expanded in his chest at those tenderly spoken words.


After shooting all the zombies dead and earning a shiny-eyed smile of awe from his lover, Eiri led the way to the rollercoaster.  He took one look at the swirling loops -since extended from the time they were last here-and glanced back at Shuichi’s ass before he asked, “You sure you want to do this?”

Looking conflicted, Shuichi bit at his thumb.  “I really want to do this right.”

And for some reason, Eiri instantly knew that the brat understood he’d been re-creating their first date.  Shuichi had fallen seamlessly into the plan, maybe to replace all the bad memories it had bookmarked in their lives even if it had all happened years ago.  He sighed then said, “We could… skip it… or take that out… if you want to.”

“I don’t want to skip this.”  Shuichi glanced over at him then quickly looked away, a bright flush coming to his cheeks, “And I just got used to it, I don’t want to take it out.”

Swallowing back a smile, Eiri led the way onto the train, nodding at the attendant as they took their seats.  Shuichi looked incredibly nervous as they started the ascent, shifting a little on the cushion.  But when the ride crested over, the fall blew away all his worries, he raised his arms and screamed happily, enjoying every moment.

Eiri rather thought those joyful sounds were some of the sweetest he’d heard.  And he would never admit it.

“Enjoyed that, hm?” he asked, noticing that the long tails of Shu’s shirt could not quite disguise the bulge beneath.  The rattling and shaking of the ride must have nudged the toy around enough to remind the singer it could do its job.

“Mou,” Shuichi grumbled and clasped his hands before himself, trying to hide the swelling, looking adorably cute with his pink cheeks and down-turned eyes.  “This is difficult enough as it is without the teasing.”

“Next stop,” Eiri announced, turning to look at their destination, “The Ferris wheel.  We didn’t get to do that on our last trip here.  We took the boat instead.”

“Uh-huh!” agreed the singer, starting forward and clasping his hand in Eiri’s.  “This time, we get the wheel and all to ourselves.”  He scrunched up his nose, “I’m not so sure I like heights, though.”

“I’m very sure,” Eiri said carefully, voice heavy with meaning, “You will enjoy this.”

Shuichi gave him an odd look at his strange tone of voice.

They nodded to the attendant in greeting and were let into their cabin, the man saying as he shut he gate, “As you requested, the Ferris wheel is running a bit slower than its usual turn run.”  He saluted, “It’s only about forty percent slower but I hope that’s alright.”

“Thank you,” Eiri said.  “We’ll stay on for a few turns and wave when we’re ready to get off.  We have a lot to talk about.”

“I’m sure you do,” the guy said, chuckling as he stepped away and started it up.

“What was that about?”  Shuichi asked, sitting far across on the other side of the cabin as the ride started.

Eiri didn’t say anything, watching the ground fall away.


Instead of answering, the writer slowly, deliberately, unbuckled and inched his trousers down, lifting his hips a bit to let the soft and slippery fabric whisper easily down his legs to his calves.  Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear, he winked at Shuichi and slipped those down too.  After loosening his tie, he shrugged out of his jacket, pulling out his little packet from the pocket, dumping out the contents onto the bench beside him, plucking up a condom and ripping it open.

The sound jerked Shuichi to his feet but not a step forward.  The singer's eyes had darkened almost to black as he watched Eiri slowly roll the condom on himself.

"Come here," he whispered.  Shuichi moved slowly forward as though in a trance and he had to say, "You'll need your trousers off for this."

Hurrying to obey, Shuichi gracelessly discarded his shoes then unbuckled his belt and let his trousers fall, stepping out of them even as he reached for his own underwear.  When he tried to bend down to get them off, he froze and moaned.

"Can I help you?" Eiri asked, holding back a little laugh at the restriction in movement the toy forced on the little singer.

Shuichi nodded, moving closer, eyes sliding down to the proudly risen erection between Eiri's legs.

Reaching for Shuichi's briefs and with the brat standing, it was so easy to lean forward and--

"Ahh!" Shuichi breathlessly gasped, hands curling into Eiri's hair.

Swallowing back a snicker, Eiri relished the gasp he got in reaction to the swallow, he refitted his lips around the growing hardness as he pulled the singer’s underwear down and away.  He bowed his head downward, Shuichi lifting his hips a bit to meet the thrust, flattening his tongue on the underside where it was quite sensitive.

"Ungh!" Shuichi gasped and choked.  He swallowed quickly then moaned.

Eiri lifted off slowly, sucking firmly, fingertips of one hand dusting over the tightening, shifting sac below.  "Good?"  Shuichi moaned back incoherently and made him grin, "Straddle me.  Stay standing."

Moving jerkily, trembling a bit and very excited, Shu obeyed, kicking his underwear aside, legs split to either side of Eiri's thighs, hands on the writer's shoulders.  Just the right height, Eiri thought, and bent his head again -Shuichi groaned.

He stretched it out, bobbing his head in a very slow tempo without picking up the pace at all, fingers nudging the toy's base, moving it gently, rocking it rhythmically back and forth, making Shu babble, groan deeply and rock his hips in sync.  He took his time, licking, sucking, twisting, and relishing all the sounds his little lover made, employing all his skills but doing so very slowly -he didn’t want this to end yet.

Eiri suddenly stilled.

Shuichi panted a moment then dazedly asked, "Wha...?"  He licked dry lips and tried again, "Wh... why'd you stop?"

"We're heading back down," Eiri murmured, a wicked glint in his eyes as he looked up.

Shuichi blinked down at his lover, blond strands still in his fingers, but then understanding dawned and he growled.  "What the hell?"

"Go sit over there for a few minutes," the writer calmly instructed.  "Just until we pass the operator and head upward again."

Glaring hotly a moment, Shuichi grit his teeth.  Then he stomped back over to the other side of the cabin, causing it to sway a little.  He'd probably have thrown himself onto the seat but the toy made him sit carefully down, angled a little onto his hip to keep the pressure off, leaving off the cushion because of the wetness.

Through the long minutes and as though he didn't have his trousers down almost to his ankles, Eiri lit up and smoked.  He even used the cigarette to wave to the operator signalling they'd be heading up another round, ignoring the way the man's eyes turned worried at the sight of Shuichi's scowling face.

Out of earshot, he glanced back over at his lover --and nearly choked.

"Having revenge?" he asked huskily, eyeing the slow stroking of Shuichi's hand up and down his own shaft.  Shu angled a little grin at him.  "Hm.  Feeling better I see."  He gestured, "Come here, we don't have much time around the next loop."

Shuichi scrambled over back into position, Eiri bowing his head to lick at the brat's hardness as he firmly gripped the toy's stem and began to pull it out.  Shuichi's fingers buried in his hair as he worked, tonguing the slit and curling his tongue tip along the flare of the head.  When the toy popped free, Shuichi giving a gasp, he dropped it carelessly to the floor and gripped Shu's hips, guiding his lover down as he raised his own hips.

Shuichi pressed backward determinedly and took Eiri into himself in one solid thrust, throwing his head back with a wordless gasp.

Growling, Eiri couldn't wait, reaching for and ripping open a condom packet, unrolling it onto Shuichi.  Then, tossing the wrapper back, he immediately tilted his hips backward as best he could as he guided Shuichi into a rocking motion on his lap away from himself, then pulled him back, pushing upward, making the singer moan and cling to him.  He repeated the movement, biting down on the singer's shoulder, urging the brat to move with him.

Bracing his feet, Shuichi followed, lifting only just enough to add more friction, add to the coiling of gathering tension in Eiri's lower belly, the pleasure coursing through his blood.

"Eiri," Shuichi groaned.  Then he dipped his head and licked up the writer's neck to nip at Eiri's sensitive ear.

"Shuichi," he growled back, pulling his lover down harder on that thrust and pushing upward with such force he'd braced his weight up off the bench between his back on the backrest and his feet on the floor.

They moved together, trying to draw out each thrust but also hurrying a little to the finish line with this just because there wasn’t enough time.  The excitement of it all made Eiri thrust up a little harder than he’d intended;

"Ahh!" Shuichi gasped, curling inward, slouching so that his forehead fell to the writer's shoulder.  "Close."

He really wanted to stop.  He wanted to pull Shuichi up, make he kid stand so he could take the brat into his mouth and make him come, then force him back down on to his dick and fuck him all over again.  Wild, possessive, dirty thoughts filled his head but then he remembered... if he did that, Shuichi would ache.

They wouldn't be moving on to the second part of his plan, that walk along the pier in the moonlight like the brat surely would have wanted and wouldn’t smile that bright eyed and happy expression free of all worries and tension-

"Shu," Eiri groaned, reaching for Shuichi’s hardness and pumping him, enjoying the way his lover tensed in his arms.  Shuichi’s depths contracted around him and he grimaced as he thrust, the hot, coiling pleasure contracting then swiftly expanding, and release rushed through him.  In his arms, Shuichi gasped and bit his shoulder, a high cry slipping out of his throat, coming apart at almost the same time.

Panting, Eiri listened to the Ferris wheel creak and the wind blow against the cabin.  Through blurry vision he registered Shuichi's content little smile, nudging Shu's face up so they could kiss slowly, savouring it and each other.

How many times was he going to ask this, he wondered sarcastically but too pleased to care, "Good?"

"Yea," Shuichi sighed contentedly, snuggling in, arms wrapping tightly about the writer’s shoulders.

The Ferris wheel had begun the downward sweep now but Eiri knew neither of them could be bothered to move.  Four hours of foreplay and teasing, dark eyes and knowing looks could wear even two very sexual people out.

“He’ll see us,” the writer murmured, but he didn’t particularly care.  “You don’t mind?”  Shuichi couldn't even be bothered to reply in words or even nod his head.  He simply made an affirmative noise and held on.  So Eiri leaned back and tucked Shu's head under his chin.

When they passed the operator again, the guy caught sight of them snuggled in together, smiled and turned his back.

Eiri glanced up at the bright night sky as they ascended again, thinking they really should rest for a bit just now.  Shuichi, breathing gently against his collarbone, would need his energy for that walk in the moonlight.  And he for the squeals the brat would surely give at how romantic it all was.

They’d come a long way, he suddenly realised, breathing in Shuichi’s strawberry scent.  They both had.  After all the challenges, pains, joys and contradictions, perhaps even a long journey forward sometimes needs a 'full circle' to move on to its next cycle.  And who knew what tomorrow would bring?

A corner of his lips lifted slightly at these thoughts and he tightened his hold on his lover and he considered, all’s been fair in this love and war.


series_gravitation, fan fic, story_excerpts

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