Excerpts of Togetherness: Heartsongs, part 5

Jun 30, 2009 01:40

Part 5

“Whyyy…?” sobbed the singer, desolately curled up in the farthest rear corner of the mini van.  “Whyyy…?”

“Jesus Christ!”  Eiri swore in English from the front seat exchanging a look with K at the wheel.  “Get over it already.  Your band mates expected it, your manager expected it, your bodyguard expected it -didn’t you listen to any of them?”

“Wouldn’t believe us,” Suguru said, not even looking over from the second row where he sat by the window looking out at the passing scenery.

“Wouldn’t hear of it,” Hiro added, eyes shut and calmly reclining beside Suguru.

“Well that’s what you get,” Eiri muttered dismissively.  He nodded his thanks to K when they pulled up into the underground parking level of his and Shuichi’s residential building, avoiding the accumulated paparazzi awaiting their return home.  Hopping out, he pushed back the sliding door and dragged Shuichi out by the collar.  He waved at the van in a general goodbye, “Hn!”

K gave an upward nod and drove off, Hiro rolling his eyes at Shuichi, the miserable, melting, slobbery mess of tears.

The singer stood in dazed shock in the lift propped up by only the cabin wall.  Eiri looked the brat over.  Shuichi looked devastated at first glance but then he realised it was only because the singer was so dazed with disappointment.  The brat would get over it.

But Eiri could feel his temper mounting.  He didn’t want to have to deal with shit like this, didn’t want giving the brat exactly what he wanted to take a lot of work.

Then again, he thought, eyes sliding lower over Shuichi’s ass, it would be so worth it.

“Get a hold of yourself, damn it,” Eiri snapped when he had to drag the singer from the lift to their door.  “You don’t even know what the stakes are and you’re already mourning.”

He set the semi-slumped idiot down on the foot well step, removed his shoes and then left his lover there, heading for the shower.  Twenty minutes later, refreshed and rejuvenated, he stepped out into the orange and pink light of the setting sun, Shuichi still slumped over in the foyer, still mourning his ‘loss’.   Brat had no idea.  Well, maybe a little ‘gain’ would get his spirits back up.

“Oi,” Eiri called shortly.  “If you don’t get dressed, we won’t make our dinner date reservations.”  He turned on his heel and made for the bedroom to dress, ignoring the way Shuichi suddenly and brightly perked up as though having sprouted a tail and kitten ears.

“Dinner date?” Shuichi murmured to himself, hopping quickly to his feet and padding after him.  A little louder, he asked, “Did you say dinner date?”

“Hn,” Eiri acknowledged, rifling through his tie hanger for an appropriate complement to the dove gray suit he planned to wear.  He glanced over his shoulder at his lover and asked, “Which suit are you wearing?”

“Huh?” Shuichi tilted his head in confusion, still with that silly half-smile on his face at the confirmation of a date.

“You have only two clean suits,” Eiri sighed, exasperated, impatient and unwilling to discuss this now.  “Black or red, which one are you wearing to dinner tonight?”

“Oh, um,” the singer scratched his head, a bit bewildered, “The black one?”

“Go take a shower,” muttered Eiri, diving back to fetch that bright pink tie he’d tried to do without but matched Shuichi’s hair and favourite pink formal shirt so well -the pink shirt the singer had prepped to wear next time he used the black suit.

Shuichi sidled up close to him and quietly asked, “Wait, did you say dinner date?”

“It’s what you wanted if you won, right?”  Eiri asked, still sifting through the closet contents.

“Well, yes,” Shuichi blinked, surprised.  “But I’m not the one who won.”  He blinked… then brightened, turned a bit teary-eyed than bubbled, “Are you-Is this--?  Oh, Eiri!”

“If you aren’t showered and dressed in half an hour or less,” Eiri growled, angling a glare over his shoulder, “We aren’t going and I will simply take my prize.”

Shuichi began to back away but hastily, teasingly, still tried, “Are you finally going to tell me what the stakes are?”

Eiri took a menacing step forward and Shuichi, grinning madly, dashed away to the bathroom.  He excitedly called back over his shoulder, “I love you, Eiri!  I can’t wait for our date!”

While the singer showered, humming along to the beat of the falling water, Eiri quickly pulled out Shu’s suit and the pink shirt then set them out on the bed.  Then he crouched and pulled out that very special black box out from under the bed and flipped it open, slowly, carefully, sifting through its contents and wondering which toy would be the most fun to play with.

One corner of Eiri’s lips lifted at the sight of the bulge in one of the pockets of the box’s lid, remembering the little plug he’d quietly bought and which he and Shuichi hadn’t had a chance to use yet.  Slipping it out, he rolled it in his palm

The toy had a bit of a Y-shape to it.  Of the two arms closest to each other, one started out with a slim root then swelled suddenly into a mushroom bulb, edges flaring slightly.  The other two thin arms played the role of holding the bulb in place and Eiri allowed himself a moment to imagine the bulb swallowed up inside the singer, Shu's tight ring closed snugly around the bulb's slim neck.  One short arm would extend just under Shu's balls and the other up between his cheeks, the angle of intrusion ensuring the bulb pressed gently into Shu's prostate.


Eiri quickly shoved the box back under the bed, standing to fetch the lube and dish from the bedside drawer.  He poured a generous amount into the dish and set it out on Shuichi's dresser along with the toy, flicking on the singer's hair dryer to warm up the lube a bit for what he had in mind.

Right on time, Shu stepped into the room, briefs on and towelling his hair.  Eiri smiled when, not watching where he was going, Shuichi bumped right into him.

"Oh, sorry!" Shuichi said, looking up at him.  Eiri pushed the towel to hang around Shu's neck then pulled the singer flush up against himself.  "Eiri?"

"Hmm," he hummed, lowering his head to press his nose to Shu's hairline.  "Fresh from the shower."  He quietly asked, "Did you wash well?"  Sliding one hand gently over the singer's ass, he left no doubt as to what he meant, Shuichi shivering in reaction to the touch.

"H-hai," he breathed, already beginning to melt.

"Good boy," Eiri whispered then gently captured Shuichi's lips in a kiss.  He teased at Shu's mouth, licking at the singer’s mouth before dipping in, sweeping his tongue over Shu's, grasping at the singer's lips with his own and swallowing the resulting moans.  He lifted his head only when Shuichi had slumped completely against him, pressing closer and an interested hardness pressed up against his leg.  Pleased at the sight of the singer's glazed eyes, he breathed, “Hmm.”

He reached over Shu's shoulder to the dish, dipping in and liberally coating his fingers then, knuckles first to protect the lube, slipped his hand into Shu's underwear, fingertips unfurling to touch at Shuichi's opening.

"Eiri..." he moaned softly.

Bending his head, Eiri kissed Shuichi again, taking his slow and deliberate time in an extremely leisurely kiss, long minutes in which his fingers only rubbed back and forth or around the rim of Shuichi's opening until it flared hungrily at his touch and he finally slipped a finger in.  Shuichi moaned into the kiss, grip tightening on the writer's jacket.

Leisurely, Eiri opened him up, finger dipping gently to stretch and lube the way, another finger coming into play, while all the time he kept up the kiss, enjoying the way Shuichi alternately lifted himself up to Eiri's mouth and pressed back into his hand, not quite sure which way he most wanted to go.  When the third finger slipped in, Shuichi pulled back a little to pant and Eiri thought he might be starting to lose his breath, too.

"Wait," he whispered.  "Not yet."

Shuichi nodded and Eiri withdrew his fingers, thumb pulling the briefs low.  Then he reached for the bulb and dipped it into the dish, swirling the toy around in the lube before bringing to Shuichi's ass.  Slowly, he danced it over the opening, the singer writhing a little in anticipation.

"Shh," he admonished, tightening his arm around Shu, "Patience."

Then he captured Shuichi in a kiss again, harder this time, slanting his mouth over the singer's and sweeping deeply, rubbing up against Shuichi's tongue just the way they both liked it, nudging the toy against Shuichi's hole in time to the thrusts of his tongue.  When Shuichi began to open to it, moaning deep in his throat, Eiri pressed it in a little more firmly, felt it begin to sink inside, the ring of muscle completely relaxed and giving way.  He broke the kiss with a sigh and lifted his head to watch.

Eyes closed, Shuichi's face scrunched up slightly in reaction to its entry, lips parted, panting gently.  His brow wrinkled briefly as it smoothed in and when it finally settled, muscles clamping down, he gasped.  Eiri couldn't resist a quick tilt of the toy rubbing it up inside him and making him draw a quick breath.


"Uh-hmm," Shuichi breathed, eyes still blissfully shut.

"Good."  Eiri smirked and abruptly stepped out of the singer's hold, delivering a quick slap to one ass cheek, the singer’s eyes popping open.  "Now get dressed."   Then he went to wash his hands, leaving Shuichi stunned and standing there, who broke out of his daze only just as Eiri got back.

"You asshole!" Shuichi exclaimed, not moving, fists clenched and glaring.

"This is part of the deal, brat," Eiri said calmly, amused the brat had no way of moving right now with that arousal in the way.  "You get the date you'd have wanted if you'd won, complete with all the trimmings," He inclined his head, "And I get sex."

“Date and trimmings?” he asked, sounding excited but then Shuichi's eyes widened a moment before fearfully whispering, "Public sex?"  One corner of Eiri's lips quirked upward and he groaned, "Are you insane?  We could get caught!"

"Won't quite be anyone to catch us," Eiri muttered, slipping his usual public sex paraphernalia packet into his jacket pocket: a little black slim pouch of lube, a travel pack of wet wipes, condoms and a folded ziplock.  Smiling slightly to himself, he also tucked two handkerchiefs into his trouser pocket.

The idiot had probably guessed, judging by the earlier excitement, what this all meant, the gesture it represented;  Eiri was making an effort.  It might be a bull-headed and never to be uttered beyond this room type of gesture but it was an effort nonetheless.

Turning, he found Shu hadn’t moved, watching him with a kind of fond irritation he’d come to recognise well from the singer.  "Just get dressed," he said impatiently, "Or we'll miss our reservations."

He left Shuichi standing there when the doorbell rang, striding down the hall to collect an expected cardboard box from the delivery man, checking through the little plastic window it contained what he'd ordered, handing over a small tip and nodding in thanks.  He set out his and Shuichi's dark gray shoes while he was there, and went to the bathroom to fix his hair, bringing the box with him just in case.

Suitably tousled-looking, tie adjusted, clothes straightened, he stepped out into the hallway just as Shuichi came out of the bedroom.

"Very nice," Eiri murmured appreciatively, eyes skimming upward over the slim fit of Shuichi's black custom trousers, enjoying the way they hugged his hips and undoubtedly his ass, shoe-matching belt in place.  Pink shirt tucked in, he wore a dove gray texture striped tie to match Eiri's suit as well as his own belt and shoes.  With his fitted black jacket on he looked the very picture of a groomed pop star.

Except for that slight frown on his face... which Eiri remedied by lifting up the box in his hand into Shuichi's line of sight.

"Is that...?"  he asked softly, moving carefully forward.  Eiri nodded.  Taking the box from him, Shuichi murmured, "They're beautiful."  He opened it, pulling out the two fresh, pink roses mounted on pins, adorned with bright leaves and sprigs of white baby's breath.  He smiled and held one up, Eiri taking the box and the other flower, then pinned it to the writer's lapel, smoothing the fabric down with a little smile, "Perfect."

Eiri pinned its mate to Shuichi's jacket in the same place he now wore his own and teased, "Am I forgiven yet?"

Trying to swallow his widening smile, shining eyes belying his words, "I'm thinking about it."

Eiri's phone buzzed from his pocket and he fished it out, irritated by the interruption, "What?"

"Good evening Yuki-sensei.  My name is Miyanaga from Shimano Chauffeur Services, I'm parked downstairs at the basement level and await you at your convenience."

"Good evening," Eiri belatedly returned, tone less aggressive.  "Thank you.  We'll be down shortly."  He snapped his phone shut, "Our ride's here.  Let's go."  He snickered when they got the foot well and Shuichi looked down at his shoes, so near yet so far, dread on his face.  "Sit here," he gestured to his lap, "So it doesn't press up into you."

Shuichi shot him a dark glower but, once Eiri had his shoes on and had straightened out his legs, he took the offer and the slight gap between the writer's legs provided the toy a little more room to stay exactly where it was than pressed in deeper.

"This date better be fucking fantastic," Shuichi grumbled, glaring as he walked stiffly by Eiri's side at a much more commonly regular pace than his exuberant skip-jumping excitement.

Eiri rolled his eyes as they stepped into the lift, the words teasing at his temper.  Stamping down on it, he made himself think of the evening ahead and his plans for them both.  Patience under control, he led the way out and to the elegant little limousine waiting for them.  The chauffeur stepped out to open their door for them and Eiri sped up a bit to enter first and find that pillow he'd asked for.  Setting it beside himself, he raised a brow at Shuichi who, catching sight of the little prop, a coiled cushion with a large indentation right in the middle, gratefully sat down and strapped in.

"Thank you," Shu grumbled, cheeks a delightfully dark pink.

Eiri leaned over, incredibly aroused and a little impressed, to whisper into Shu’s hair, "You're welcome."


The Intercontinental restaurant had superb security, incredibly beautiful interiors, four-star rated food, good live performance and impeccable service.   Seated in a darkened alcove nearer to the stage than one would expect, Eiri glanced across the table at his lover shifting absently in his seat on that silly cushion they’d brought along from the limo.

Shuichi had pulled his shirt out of his trousers just a little after they’d sat down, high colour in his cheeks in embarrassment when the toy’s effects kept the front of his trousers oddly raised.  Initially, Eiri had teased him with slow touches up his arms, light caresses to his knee and a little up his legs until Shuichi, blushing hard, pushed the touches away.   Eiri had even leaned over a few times to kiss the brat’s cheek or nibble on his ear.

But then dinner arrived and the show began so Eiri left off the teasing.  Now Shuichi looked like he’d forgotten his mortification, smiling bright eyed and happy, expression free of all worries and tension, looking like he no longer cared his lover had beat him a few thousand multiples over in sales numbers or had asked for public sex as a prize.

He looked beautiful.

Eiri could feel himself respond to that thought, coupled with the idea that the brat belonged to him, loved him, wore a butt plug in public for him, turned him on.  He couldn’t help but stare.  Shuichi sensed the eyes on him soon after, turning to give a soft smile.

Breath whooshed out of him in a deep pull in reaction to the tenderness in the singer’s eyes but Eiri found some breath to ask, “How was dinner?”

“Really good,” Shuichi replied happily, “I usually don’t like western food so much but the sauce was pretty rich and it had spices in it so I could really taste it -you know how I think western food is bland-so this wasn’t anything like that and I hope we eat here again soon.”

“Hn.”  He resisted the urge to tease the kid for the rambling and instead tilted his head at his lover, studying the flushed cheeks, the smile, the joy and he knew he’d caused that.  The power felt a little dizzying.  “So am I forgiven yet?”

Grinning, Shuichi reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing it a moment and leaning over to softly whisper, “I love you.”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Eiri smiled back, stroking his hand up his lover’s thigh.

Shuichi blushed and squirmed.


series_gravitation, fan fic, story_excerpts

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