Where I'll be in 2012 (other than right here)

May 14, 2012 09:05

I know, we're already five months into 2012.   I assure you, had I been guesting at a convention in the first five months of the year I would have mentioned it in a timely manner.  Although, given what the first four months of this year were like... no promises.

Fortunately, my first convention in 2012 is in June. Near the end of the month.  Also, mea culpa.

ApolloCon 2012 - Houston, TX

When: June 22nd to June 24th
Where: DoubleTree Houston International, Houston, Texas, USA
Who:  GOH: Tanya Huff
           Artist GOH: Jael
           Fan GOH: Candace Pulliene

Saskatchewan Festival of Words: Summer Festival

When: July 19th - 22nd
Where: Moosejaw, Saskatchewan
Who: Twenty-five presenters across most literary fields
         and music

World Fantasty Convention 2012

When:  November 1st - 4th
Where: Sheraton Parkway Toronto North, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Who:  Author GOH: Elizabeth Hand
          Encyclopedist GOH: John Clute
          Artist GOH: Richard A. Kirk
          Toastmaster: Gary K. Wolfe
         Special Guests: Charles de Lint
                                   Tanya Huff
                                   Patricia Briggs
                                   Mercedes Lackey
                                   Larry Dixon


When: November 23rd to 25th
Where: Holiday Inn and Convention Center, Urbana, IL, USA
Who:  GOH: Tanya Huff
           Fan GOH: Doc and Anne Passovoy
           Toastmaster: Michael Longcor

I'll also be doing a one day event locally in July (which is why I won't be Polaris)  and a one day event in Toronto in August, both of which I'll post about when I have the final details.  Okay, honesty forces me to clarify:  both of which I intend to post about when I have the final details.  Road to hell.  Yadda yadda.

I'll try to mention each convention closer to the date but if you want to cover your bases you'll have a slightly better chance of an update if you follow me on twitter (@TanyaHuff) where I post frequently.  Although not as frequently as some.  You know who you are.  :)


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