The Blood Books in Audio!

Mar 13, 2012 13:58

Remember how every now and then you'd ask me when the Blood books were coming out in audio?  And remember how I'd say I had no idea but as soon as I found out, I'd tell you?

The Blood books are out in audio and up today at  (Can I have a yay?)(But only if audio books are your thing, of course.)

Here they are: Blood Price, Blood Trail, Blood Lines, Blood Pact, Blood Debt, and even Blood Bank.

Narrated by Justine Eyre, that's... hang on, I'll need a calculator for this... that's 63 hours and 28 minutes of Vicki, Henry, and Mike. Suitable for listening to in the car, on the treadmill, and while stuck in planes that haven't updated their entertainment system since the 80's so they only have those stupid little screens that are not only usually in the wrong place but the movie is something you'd never watch in a million years. ::cough Adam Sandler cough::

shilling, omg yay

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