I Seek the Wisdom of the Flist!

Jun 28, 2011 13:57

So, we've been having a few discussions lately about the possibility of the Blood series (also known as the Victoria Nelson books, the Vicki/Henry/Mike books and as the series that really needs a series title...) being done as audio books.

They could be done as traditional audio books with a single actor reading the text with minimal dramatization. This is how The Enchantment Emporium and the Valor Books were done. (link takes you to Audible where you can listen to a sample)

Or they could be done as dramatizations with music, special effects and multiple actors but would have to be minimally abridged due to format -- although no actual content would be lost. This was done for Blue Moon Rising by Simon Green and Hunting Party by Elizabeth Moon. (links take you to Graphic Audio where you can listen to samples)

I don't actually listen to audio books so I don't actually have a preference. Thus, I need your help. If you listen to audio books (or would listen to the Blood books as audio books even if you've never listened to an audio book before) which would you prefer?

And, to make it easier on all of us: A Poll!

Oh, and just to make it clear, assume these would NOT be the actors who were on Blood Ties the television show. (See how I anticipate your question. *g*) I have no idea if any of them do voice work or if the fine folks at Graphic Audio can or would be able to pay for actors at their level. Yes, it would be wonderful to have them back, but more than one actor played Dracula over the years, right? It's fine to have favorites but let's not deny diversity.

Poll The Blood Books on Audio Question

blood ties, it takes a village

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