It's a honour to be nominated...

Oct 20, 2009 10:10

I got an email this morning from the lovely people at Bitten by Books who informed me, well, I'll let Rachel tell you about it.

"This week we are holding the 4th of 5 rounds of reader polls to choose who will be the Favorite Paranormal Author of the Year in 2009!

The exciting news is that YOU  have been nominated! PLEASE take some time to tell your fans about the event and to come by and VOTE for your favorite author.

The poll is on the right hand side of our site and each participant gets two votes! Your fans can read more about the poll and leave a comment here:"

So wander on by, check things out, maybe, oh, I don't know... click a ticky box or two.

What?  Yes, of course I have...

awards, writing

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