Happy Thanksgiving!

Oct 12, 2009 16:34

It's Thanksgiving Day up here in the Great White North -- because by the middle of November we're less thankful than we are starting to hunker down for the long cold months ahead -- and we're celebrating in the traditional way with ritual turkey and pie. Also traditional: honouring the day by mentioning ten of the things I'm most thankful for.

The person who shares my life -- we'll have been married for twenty years next summer (church wedding MCC Toronto, legally for seven) and together for twenty-four.

Old friends -- I moved around a lot when I was a kid and it's great to actually have friendships that have history.

New friends -- I've met some amazing people over the last few years who have really enriched my life.

My readers -- whose support allows me to continue living a life I love. Couldn't do it without you.

My talent -- I'd be telling stories anyway but I'm very grateful I can tell them well enough to make a living at it.

Music -- I didn't have music in my life for a long time but it's become a large part of it lately and I'm especially thankful for the filk community who've been so welcoming. And enduring. *g*

The cats -- less thankful at 2AM when we're removing a tic off Sophie's head but generally, I'm thankful they're around.

My country -- mostly for staying out of my bedroom and acknowledging that health care is a right, not a privilege but for lots of other little things as well. Including Paul Gross.

My health -- so far no problems that aren't age and wear related. (touch wood)

The internet -- which allows me maintain contacts and to share the enthusiasm. Which enthusiasm? Well, pretty much all of them!

And now, I'm off to set the table and await the arrival of the mother-in-law. The aged uncle and his child bride will be coming over later in the month -- as the beloved has had a cold this past week, they consider our house to be a little too germ laden for elderly immune systems.

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian Peeps! Happy Monday to the rest of you!
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