Better Late than Never

Sep 03, 2009 09:58

I had a great time at ConVersion in Calgary.  Spent time with some old friends, made some new ones, and didn't say anything I particularly regret.  Meeting Terry Brooks was a definite high point.   (At the very first SF/F convention I ever went to, back in '77, the only thing I bought was a signed copy of Sword of Shannara.   Terry wasn't there but Dell Rey had sent up a box of books with signed bookplates.)   It is always a joy to spend time with Rob Sawyer, who I've known since university and, most years, don't get to see nearly often enough.  Panels were well attended and, across the board, audience participation was thoughtful and evocative.

Although R. & V.  who provide the music for the Saturday night Karaoke had thousands of songs -- and an eclectic mix it was too -- they didn't have the two songs I can do with some degree of confidence to backing tracks  -- as delusional as that confidence may be -- so we all dodged a bullet there.   (If you must know, "Any Man of Mine" and "Redneck Woman".  Happy?)

Gord, the owner of the Sentry Box  -- books and gaming -- ran out of new hardcovers on Saturday and went out and bought some retail from a local Chapters just so he'd have them in the dealer's room if anyone wanted them on Sunday.  That's way above and beyond and I want to thank him again, publically this time.

On the Friday before the convention, my guest liason generously gave up his morning so he could show me around Calgary.  We went over to where I set THE ENCHANTMENT EMPORIUM  and there's actually a newspaper box where I put a newspaper box!  I'm just that good.  Well, me and Google Earth.  *g*  Thanks again, K!

And after the convention, I got to spend time with family.  Yay!

Definitely a win!  Thanks so much to the con com for inviting me!

If you live in the Calgary area and you get a chance to go to a ConVersion, I highly reccomend it.  People, content, venue -- all winners!  And, if you need more than that, there's a Timmy's barely six meters away from the front doors and the Starbucks at the Weston was giving 10% off to people with convention badges.   People, content, venue, caffiene!  \o/


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