
Jul 13, 2008 01:15

So, y'all remember that Constellation Award I was up for?  Outstanding Canadian Contribution to Science Fiction Film or Television in 2007?  I won.  In the fine tradition of Canadian awards being shaped like maple leaves, this one has multiple points and I'm locking it in the trunk on the way home since it's the LAST thing you'd want bouncing around inside the car in case of an accident.

Pictures later but this was my thank you speech:

"I have to say that the fans I've acquired through Blood Ties are some of the most involved fans out there.  When you guys love something, you really love it.  And thank you for that.  But, although I may have provided the source material and I'm honoured to have my name attached to Blood Ties, credit for the actual show has to go to a lot of other people -- first of all to Randy Zalken and Paul McConvey at Kalidescope who believed in the books and fought for years to bring them to the screen.  There would have been no show without Randy and Paul's persistence in the face of nearly insurmountable odds.  Of course we had a wonderful cast -- Christina Cox, Dylan Neal, and Kyle Schmid -- and an amazingly talented crew -- don't panic, I'm not naming each of them although I wish I could .

But, most of all, credit has to go to Peter Mohan, the best showrunner in the country -- and I'm not just saying that; he won the Writer's Guild of Canada Showrunner award this year.  Peter not only translated the Vicki Nelson books to the screen but he put together a terrific group of writers and then saw to it that every single episode stayed true to the heart of the books while simultaneously sending the story off in exciting new directions.

So, although I'm going to hang on to it, this award is actually for Peter.  Thank you, Peter.

And thank you all."

blood ties, convention

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