Free at last, FREE AT LAST. |D

Dec 15, 2007 12:34

Yes, my first semester of school is over. Its weird though, it doesnt even feel like i WENT to college. I guess maybe thats because its art school, and i dont really consider art to be work. Some of it was hard though, like having drawing homework every night and having to make it look kjhgdkjhgdperfect EVERY time. (of course i slacked off a little bit. )

I guess the only thing i really didnt like was living in my apartment. NOT THAT ITS BAD. but...its just not home, you know? i mean, my roomates are awesome, our house isnt totally falling apart, and everythings relatively clean...but its just not home. Im so happy to be finally back to a place where i LIKE living, and not a place where im forced to live because i dont want to commute.

In other news,I was supposed to have evaluations on thursday but those were cancelled because of the majoorr snowstorm we had two days ago. Theres another one coming tonight too...which means more shoveling for Corinne D:


oh sweet....sweet new technology~

hmmm...i dont really have much else to say.


any Wow players out there? |D i suppose i should have asked this a while ago, but i need more people to play with. :U

that is all.
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