Listen to me for fuck sakes.

Sep 19, 2003 11:45

Everyone has a right to comment on other peoples journals.
Everyone has a right to entitle their own opinion.
But not like THAT.
That comment from that bitch is the gayest I have ever seen.
How dare you people talk to my friends like that?
If you fucking have a problem with me or my friends tell ME! Not post it on everyone else's journals and expect me to go read it.
I have a life, and it's not on here.
I don't need to be going on wild-goose chases for stupid people.
Chelsea, I'm sorry but I hate your friends. Not all of them, but most of them.
Lizzy was trying in her best manners to tell you she had enough. She barely used (if any) swear words in her entry, and you, and your "friends" go off on her and cuss her out.
I am VERY ashamed of all of you.
This is not the civilized way to live.
This isnt even a life.
I don't want to be a part of the internet life anymore.
If my friends on the internet want me to call them then they should send me offliners with their phone numbers. The last time I will be on Yahoo!Messenger will be tonight to check my offliners.
the internet has ruined my life.
This time nothing can change my mind.
I am leaving for good.
Good bye, and if you want me to call you send me an offliner by tonight.
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