Mar 28, 2019 21:11

I have two books to read (one of which I have to have done by next Thursday), two movies to watch, not to mention Phase two of the Avengers series, and season one of a TV show. And what am I doing?

Watching ATEEZ fancams. I hate fancams. And yet. AND YET.

I need some serious help. No, I really do. This is just not... Oh heaven help me, I am loving it, too.

I need to decide if I want the physical albums or if I should just get them off iTunes. Any suggestions?

Gah. GAH!

And you know what? I don't regret a THING. Not one thing.

And I need a Mingi icon. Yep. I do. A lot.

i'm an idiot, fangirling, fandom: ateez

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