I spent way too much time on Pinterest yesterday.
On the other hand, I came across something that I find might actually work for me. If I can keep it up. It said this:
Decide what kind of life you actually want.
Then say 'NO' to everything that isn't that.
The link is to The Minds Journal (I guess that's who created it, posted it, whatever). It's not mine (I wish, but I don't think like that).
Then, when I was on Instagram, I found something else that will help. In her bullet journal, @heyamberrae (on a repost of @bulletjournal) listed out four things that aren't working in her life, and four things that were. Then she had an arrow to the "What's Working" list, and a note: Do more of this.
So, in reference to both of those, I have done a couple of things. One: I deleted two of the biggest time wasting games on my tablet. There are only two left, one is minimal wasting, and the other is something to help with my stress. Two: I have been working on that first one. I have to start with deciding what kind of life I actually want. It's not going to be easy. It wasn't easy this morning.
But it will be worth it. I know it. I just... don't know how long it'll take me to get there, and if I can keep going so that I can actually reach it.
And, at some point, I will want to reevaluate, and make sure I still want that life I had chosen at first. This is going to be HARD. But. I can do hard things. I just can't seem to do them for any length of time....
ETA: I actually hand-wrote something yesterday. It was the beginning of a fic that wasn't ever going to even be typed up, but it started something and now I have this idea that's banging on my head and all I need now is to get the characters their roles and... start writing. Madness. Oh, yes, this is going to be madness. Good thing. If I can get it done by 15 March, I can post it for the
lands_of_magic Madness challenge. Heh. Those poor people.