Keto day 4

Oct 03, 2014 19:45

So, day 4. I've managed to keep my protein down a little, and am quite happy I've been consistently hitting >115g fats and <15g net carbs (average of around 13 actually). Eating more fats really isn't as difficult as it seems - if anything, I realized how much fat AND carbs we were eating before! Small things like having an avocado (fried yum), using more oil (healthy coconut oil!) to cook, drizzling my vegetables with (again, healthy) coldpressed rapeseed oil, topping stuff with shredded (lactosefree) cheddar.

Not to mention hot chocolate (soya milk, cocoa powder) with a spoonful of double cream...

How have I been thus far:

To be honest, I haven't quite gotten any keto-flu symptoms, though I have been feeling a bit foggy and occasionally headachey. According to what I've read, it can take the body a while to get into ketosis, so I need to go buy some ketostix to check whether I'm doing the right thing! No massive craving for carbohydrates despite A's occasional offering me bread or fruit - save for today, when I baked him a birthday chocolate pudding cake (oat flour) and was quite sad watching him eat it. CANNOT WAIT TO MAKE KETO DESSERTS.

Energy wise, I'm still doing fine (duh, my caloric needs are definitely being met), and I'm just patiently letting my body adjust. Exercise goes on as usual, of course (:

Logging food isn't particularly difficult either - all I do is to quickly type in all the ingredients before I start eating, and TADA. Done. Sometimes I do it before just so I can tell what my meal is going to look like, and if I need to adjust anything (eg more butter/cream). I think things will get more tricky once school starts, but that's where meal planning comes in more handy. Lots of avocado-egg-mayo salad with spinach in the future!

Food wise, I haven't needed to be any more creative - I mean, I have been cutting back on the carbs for a while, and I'm the type of person who can eat the same thing day in-day out. The only problem is I sometimes make food (mayo) and A nearly devours the whole portion! I'm quite worried because it's one thing to be high fat low carb; it's quite another to be high fat HIGH carb!

My goals:

1) Feeling full for longer: Again, what draws me is the fact that I don't feel hungry often. In the past, I could get voraciously hungry after 3-4h, and this was after a substantial breakfast of 1/3 cup oatmeal, protein powder, peanut butter, banana, chia or flax seeds, cocoa powder, soya milk. I thought protein was the way to go so I tried upping my protein to no avail. Now, I often have breakfast and last >7h without feeling any hunger pangs or lag in energy.

2) Getting leaner: nope, unike what P asked about razor sharp cheekbones, those are DEFINITELY not my aim. Not 6 pack abs either - just defined ab muscle lines and getting my fat percentage down to 20% (for the end of the year). A reduction in those thunder thighs would definitely be a bonus...

And now for the bonus surprise (or shock, depending):

I'm going back to meat (for a while). I mean, I'll try it out and see how it goes. So far I haven't needed to rely on meat to get my fat content up, but I think it may make larger batch meals easier (eg, shepherd's pie, bacon cheese frittata). Maybe I'm overestimating this, but hey, I guess no harm trying? There definitely is something quite 'funny' about me looking carefully at the nutritional stats on Tesco and going, 'nope! Not enough fat!'

Going forward:
- Buying ketostix to test whether I've gone into ketosis
- Being more serious about meal planning because I need to bring food into college (at least I'm only in 3 days a week?)
- Keeping up with the exercise, preferably in the morning (before eating, to really boot my arse into ketosis)
- Reading up more about this diet!

keto, fatsftw

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