State of the Union/Drop meme!

Mar 15, 2010 20:25

IC: ^_^

OOC: Kousaka pretty much exists at a steady level. He's just comfortable to throw out whenever I like and playing him is still as easy as breathing. It takes a lot to phase him and even then he evens out like if you were to poke a gelatinous mixture of some kind.

Chance of Dropping: 0/10
But what if his partner dropped what then? 1/10 really he'd be a bit sad but not enough to stop playing him

IC: Has fairly stabley ensconced herself in camp but is starting to get a bit bored

OOC: I really feel like I should be out there doing more with Makoto. I have that fear everyone has of playing an abrasive character, with the extra thing that Makoto is always in control in her canon and I'm not entirely sure how to play people getting the better of her, which makes me more nervous to thread with characters I don't already know because I don't know if she's going to come out on top or not. Which is silllyyy and I need to get over it. So I don't think I'm making her active enough to do her justice but I still love her and she's still mine for as long as Megumi's in camp.

Chance of Dropping: 0/10
But what if her partner dropped what then? 10/10 she goes when Megumi does

IC: :|

OOC: I don't really know what I'm doing with him anymore. It's hard to get him out compared to my other characters since he's so prickly, really I just need to throw him in the direction of outgoing nosy drapey types until one of them sticks. I want to develop him along how canon has him develop but I've been playing him so little lately that I've lost the sense of where his development is. So I need to play more to get back into that. Really I want to update him but I still don't know what's going on with the timeskip exactly and I'd need to colour a whole new set of icons for him in any case.

Chance of Dropping: 3/10 I don't want to, but if I can't get him out of this rut I will.

IC: Just got love gooed so he has something to do other than read a lot and quietly be at loss of what to do without Elliot

OOC: I really, really need an Elliot. I love Leo as a character separate from him but it feels really wrong having him without one. This love goo post happened at the best possible time because it lets me have him actually focus on someone else which might spur me into playing him more, but if I don't get an Elliot in the next few months I can't really see myself keeping him.

Chance of Dropping: 8/10

IC: Is settled fairly happily. Just keeping an eye on people in general.

OOC: I'm still loving having Narumi. He's really easy to through around although I'm never sure I'm doing his voice quite enough justice. Again it's a case of me being wary of having him be just as obnoxious as he can be, but I'll get over that. He's a bit lost without any canonmates but that's my fault for not pimping his canon out enough, and he's still perfectly playable without them.

Chance of Dropping: 1/10

IC: Oh man what is this place. Mitchell was pinged so many times by weird non-human pings in his intro that he's pretty much given up on trying to figure out what everyone is and is just enjoying the fact that there are so many non-humans existing in peace with humans. He also worked out pretty quickly that it's totally cool to tell people he's a vampire here, so he'll bring it up whenever relevant. Right now he's trying to talk to all the vampires in camp (he can't detect the trinity blood ones though I think, so he'll have to hear about them from someone), ostensibly because of his job but he's kind of procrastinating on actually doing his job because these vampires seem nice mostly and he likes belonging and he doesn't want them to turn on him when he tells them they shouldn't kill people :( Mitchell has the best priorities.

OOC: Aah aaah Mitchell. I'm always worried about his voice and whether he's as British as he should be but I don't think I'm doing anything horribly wrong so that's nice. I find him endlessly fascinating as a character and I just want to essay madly about him, also I think updating him will be very interesting app Lucy, app Lucy, app Lucy but playing him as he is now is awesome fun too. I can't believe I actually have both an Annie and a George ♥

Chance of Dropping: 0/10

But what if his partners dropped what then? 0/10 It'd be a huge shock to him but he lived for well over 100 years without them, he can deal with them dropping.

I'm doing much better this month. I had a few moments of doubt after getting home that I wouldn't be able to get back into the game after barely playing but I think I'm doing pretty well at it despite being at uni full time and signing up for all kinds of things. Six is my comfort number but I'm planning on apping at least one more in the near future so I'm not sure what'll happen.
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