20 Questions Meme

Jan 24, 2010 13:50

This is mostly as an exercise in coming up with headcanon for people.

01. Full name: Kousaka Makoto
02. Best friend: Uhh... Sasahara I guess.
03. Sexuality: Straight
04. Favorite colour: Doesn't have one
05. Relationship status: Taken
06. Ideal mate: Hot girl who will watch anime porn with him and play games and cosplay and stuff
07. Turn-ons: ... guro and rape. Thank you anime second season. But really he's not fussy.
08. Last sexual experience: Spent a day in a love hotel with Saki-chan on their holiday
09. Favorite food: Not fussy
10. Crushes: Depending on your definition of the word, on most of the anime girls in camp
11. Favorite music: Anime themesongs
12. Biggest fear: Losing all his stuff and not having people to share his interests with anymore
13. Biggest fantasy: Saki-chan getting into his interests :')
14. Quirks in bed: ... sometimes watches anime...
15. Bad habits: Living with his head in the clouds
16. Biggest regret: Doesn't have them
17. Best kept secrets: I DON'T KNOW but maybe he has them, maybe he doesn't :)
18. Last thought: Yes! I won! (some fighting game)
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Does the time Saki-chan tried to cosplay from puyo puyo count?
20. Biggest insecurity: Noooone.

01. Full name: Yutaka Makoto
02. Best friend: Megumi
03. Sexuality: Gay
04. Favorite colour: Red
05. Relationship status: Single but kind of owns Megumi. But technically single.
06. Ideal mate: Someone who'll do what she says but is still interesting
07. Turn-ons: Being in control~
08. Last sexual experience: ... groping Megumi?
09. Favorite food: Tuna sushi
10. Crushes: Megumi? Does that count?
11. Favorite music: Classical music
12. Biggest fear: Not being in control
13. Biggest fantasy: Megumi being all heeers and not having to worry about the fact that she's meant to be with a guy
14. Quirks in bed: Is actually pretty giving because she likes seeing her partner react
15. Bad habits: Complete and utter self confidence
16. Biggest regret: Regrets nothing!!!
17. Best kept secrets: Actually does care about Mikoto in her own special way
18. Last thought: something about getting info from her gorilla informant network
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Doesn't really have one
20. Biggest insecurity: Hahahaha I laugh in the face of insecurity

01. Full name: Aleksandr Nikolaevich Her
02. Best friend: ... Ozzzzz?
03. Sexuality: Straight but also topped by affection so that's a bit malleable
04. Favorite colour: Silver
05. Relationship status: Lol no
06. Ideal mate: his sister Someone who looks like Tomo with Mafuyu's cooking skills and Teresa's fighting ability.
07. Turn-ons: his sister ... borscht?
08. Last sexual experience: ... I think he and Oz got mistletoed a few months back? Does that count?
09. Favorite food: Borscht
10. Crushes: Doooesn't really have any at camp!
11. Favorite music: None :|
12. Biggest fear: Everyone turning on him, being too weak to get the revenge he craves
13. Biggest fantasy: Him and Olya being safe and together and none of the bad stuff that's happened to them ever being an issue again
14. Quirks in bed: Ttly hogs the covers :P
15. Bad habits: Tsunning at all and sundry
16. Biggest regret: Not being able to protect Olya
17. Best kept secrets: Actually sucks at keeping secrets
18. Last thought: idk
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: ... actually doesn't really have one that I know about
20. Biggest insecurity: Everything to do with human relationships.

01. Full name: ... Leo.
02. Best friend: Elliot
03. Sexuality: ?????
04. Favorite colour: Blue
05. Relationship status: Servant
06. Ideal mate: Someone who doesn't mind him teasing
07. Turn-ons: Books
08. Last sexual experience: Nooone
09. Favorite food: Something sweet, I think :|a
10. Crushes: None
11. Favorite music: None
12. Biggest fear: Not having people who care about him
13. Biggest fantasy: idk
14. Quirks in bed: STILL WEARS THE GLASSES
15. Bad habits: Not having any eyes :|
16. Biggest regret: At the moment, letting Elliot leave camp without him
17. Best kept secrets: Only Mochizuki knows, but I'm sure she'll enjoy jossing me in the future
18. Last thought: Reading up about the barrier
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: ???
20. Biggest insecurity: Not being able to fight I guess? But it doesn't really bother him a huge amount.

01. Full name: Narumi Anju
02. Best friend: Misaki-sensei~
03. Sexuality: Mostly straight
04. Favorite colour: Purple
05. Relationship status: Single, in unrequited love.
06. Ideal mate: Yuka :(
07. Turn-ons: People who stand up to him or who he can bully.
08. Last sexual experience: ... kissing Misaki I guess. But that was for ulterior purposes
09. Favorite food: ... I feel like this is answered in canon somewhere but I don't remember.
10. Crushes: None
11. Favorite music: Cheerful pop music.
12. Biggest fear: Mikan dying
13. Biggest fantasy: Living with Yuka and Mikan as a family
14. Quirks in bed: ... is a bit like Makoto? Attentive and likes making his partner react.
15. Bad habits: Using his power when he doesn't necessarily need to, bullying people because he knows he can get away with it
16. Biggest regret: Starting to force himself on Yuka that one time.
17. Best kept secrets: That whole bit where he CANNOT FEEL LOVE or at least shouldn't be able to
18. Last thought: idk
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Starting to force himself on Yuka that one time
20. Biggest insecurity: idk, at the point in canon I've taken him from he's pretty much over his biggest insecurity, which was not being able to love people in an unselfish way. He is overcompensating a whole lot for it though now.
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