I just had an extremely craptastic day. Jaw hurts like a bitch. Work sucking at all new levels of intensity. One of those days that you're just glad to be home and in possession of something alcoholic to take the edge off. I was seriously considering taking meds and going to bed right after eating dinner.
Then I checked my email. Then I checked the LJ.
People, le'me tell you, I'm floored. Absolutely fucking astonished at the number of responses and the complimentary nature of them and... *blushes and blinks more*
I suddenly have energy and happiness and you all have no idea how ecstatic I am right now. Everyone gets individual answers once my brain is working again. Right now, I'm high off the mood swing vibe from "pained and pissed" to floating.
The Cat is a fic I almost deleted. And sat on for five days. And Hope and jenn and Wendi and Beth -- you were so right about me not making a rash decision and that it "exists for a reason". I admit when I'm wrong and I owe all of you. Name your poison, which is being said here in public for you to collect on at will. *nods*
Thanks to
Hope and
Te and
Jen and
jenn for the recs *smoochies* -- If there's others out there, I haven't found you yet. Feel free to poke me *giggles*. Oh, and the checks are in the mail *grins and winks*
Work still sucks, I'm still in pain, but suddenly, it doesn't matter. At least I've done something right this week.
I wub you all *sniffles*
And I got
a pardon from The Sexy himself! *giggles and hugs Wendi*
Talking about other people now, since it's definitely not all about me...
Bethy posted
new Expectations last night! I love her *dances*. I got all worshippy and uplifted and probably scared the crap out of her in AIM by drooling like a caged lunatic. Or, I would have scared her, if she didn't know me so well and hadn't already realized my insanity a LONG time ago. *winks and hugglies Bethy* I'm giving her a day's reprieve and then the stalking begins for part 10. *nods firmly*
Speaking of -- Those of you who aren't yet actively stalking jenn for more
Sleep While I Drive need to be doing so. NOW. Please? I need assistance and am not above begging. But... I beg jenn all the time, so she's used to me -- pats my head and thinks I'm cute and doesn't realize that I'm going into withdrawal waiting for more road trip fun. Need incentive? Try this -- Clark. Lex. The Aston. A trip to nowhere that goes exactly where it needs to. Exploration. Characterization that will leave you breathless. Slow build to explosive, lovely, gorgeous sex. Champagne and strawberries. And pancake syrup. SYRUP! Poetry as foreplay that works, fcol.
*sighs* I'm an addict. It's not pretty.
In other
jenn related matters -- no, I have emphatically not changed my mind about the site redesign! I was just trying to not be pushy *g*. We can discuss graphics and layout any time you'd like, babe. I'm flexible. *grins and dances* Style sheets! Which I have no clue about and no time to learn without help! And you gotta love a girl who does you a favor and acts like she needs permission for it. I loved her already, but this... She's so sweet *hugglies jenn*
On the graphics front, I got all down into the making of bookcovers last week (Note to self -- need to buy PhotoShop -- Microsoft Image Composer is just not flexible enough). My jaw hurt too much to do anything else, and I figured I could use the practice. And, you know, sharing the love *g*. First one was for jenn's
A Handful of Dust, which I just realized needs to be redone as I left off the "A" in the title. Good Lord, I am hopeless sometimes *bangs head on desk*. Jenn -- new version once I'm done here and can crank up the image editor (thus the lack of linkage, as I am embarrassed *giggles*). After that, I made one for Wendi's
Eros and Agape, because the Wally and Eliza-as-Lois love demanded it. Love me that fic. Click here to see the book cover (800x600 -- 123K). I need to do a full read of
Yin &Yang really damn soon. Speaking of...
I'm falling behind on my reading again. Sheesh. How am I ever supposed to get caught up on my backlog when time just slips away like this? Other than the above, I haven't read and reviewed anything since the weekend. The folder swells and my anxiety grows.
I need a fic reading vacation. I also need to read more than a handful of blogs on a regular basis, 'cause y'all are much smarter and more interesting than I am *g*
I know there was something else I wanted to post here. God help me, but the brain is not working yet. As soon as the neurons kick back in, I will answer all you lovely people personally and post whatever it was that is escaping me at present.