
Oct 28, 2007 13:52

Yesterday was the anniversary of a very special day... a day that was extremely painful, both for myself and those who care about me, but a day that I've learned so much from despite all of that. As I told Ryan (Emily's boyfriend Ryan) last night, I've come a long way since then, and I am eternally grateful to him and all the other people who helped me get through that night and the ensuing weeks and months. I've decided that a year from now, on either Oct 26th or 27th (haven't decided exactly which), I'll be getting the tattoo I've been thinking about since that night a year ago. It will go on my wrist, and it will have two monarch butterflies facing eachother with a star between them. The butterflies represent survival and the transformation that came with it, and the star represents the happiness that is always around the corner, no matter how bad things get.

I want to wait a year for a few reasons. First, I've never been entirely comfortable with the idea of getting a tattoo, and need the time to get used to it. Second, I feel like I'm not entirely out of the woods yet, but by next year, I will be about to graduate and will hopefully feel like I've got my feet more solidly under myself. Third, I know my parents will be really not cool with the idea, and a year from now has multiple advantages for dealing with that: parents and other squeamish family will have time to get used to the idea; parents should again be confident in my ability to function academically and hold myself together psychologically by then. Also, I will hopefully have worked a lot all summer and saved up some extra cash, since even though the tattoo will be fairly small, I want it to be really good, and will go to the best tattoo artist I can find to ensure that.

So I wasn't originally going to spend the whole time talking about my tattoo idea, but I guess that works. Now, I need to go get work done so that I can prevent further school problems (aka failing AGAIN) and make sure the good, happy place I'm [mostly] in right now stays that way.
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