For theatrical_muse Prompt #274. What is the question you most dread?

Mar 21, 2009 17:14

What's your job?

Such a simple question really, but one laden with so much meaning, considering the line of work I'm in.

For instance, if I'm Robert Wheeler, my simple response is 'Security Services'. This will be delivered in the brusque tone that belongs to him, not a million miles from my own. He's the closest to who I am: ­ gets the job done no matter what the cost. However, hes got a different background to me - different parents, different home, a different set of skills. Just enough to deflect attention.

Then there is Matthew Unwin. The school teacher who has an aptitude for modern languages. If he happens to travel abroad during term time, well, that's what sabbaticals are for, after all. He's smart enough to know when to keep his mouth shut and get out of a bad situation.

Pete Walker. A financier in the city. The one who is the most cynical, most flash, fits every annoying catagory you ever think of for financiers. But you won't pay him more than a moments notice, then move on.

At the end of the day though, these people are locked away in little boxes, filed back on their shelves, only to be brought out when needed, and I become Lucas North, Senior Case Officer for Section D (Counter Terrorism) for MI5. Of course, that's really only a recent acceptance; ­ my ex-wife never knew who I was, what I worked for until well after we'd married. A long time after. A regret I still have.

I suppose in some ways, the easiest answer to give would be 'I'm an actor'. Because really, that's what we do. Act out our day to day lives in whatever role we deem most appropriate to defend the realm.

Lucas North
Word Count: 296

work, theatrical muse

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