For just_muse_me Prompt 14-9-3 Alarm Clock

Feb 26, 2009 17:23


Deep, penetrating cold. It felt like it would never go away, like he would never be warm again.

A longing for home. For the people he’d cared about, who by now had probably forgotten about him, or worse still, thought he was dead. What was Elizabeta doing now? Was she managing on her own, or...?

No, he wouldn’t go there, couldn’t. Had to cling on to whatever hope he could. Even though he’d long since been abandoned.

Lucas sat up with a start, bringing himself out of the dream. Drenched with sweat, he ran his hand over his face, rubbing away the sleep. He glanced at the alarm clock. 2:45 am. Still a long time before dawn. He lay back down, hoping that sleep would return quickly.

He ought to know better by now.

After twenty minutes or so, and another glare at the alarm clock, he finally got out of bed, padding silently through his flat to the kitchen. Sometimes, something as simple as a hot milky drink helped, though not every time. He could only hope that it would this time.

Lucas was bone tired, MI5 had been running him hard for the past few days, surveillance a priority. Another threat to the United Kingdom nullified, but the staff at Section D were, as usual, carrying on as normal.

He though back to Harry’s expression when he’d mentioned his flashback. He knew there was something more, something going on. Call it instinct, honed by years working for MI5.

He slowly walked back into his bedroom, drink in hand, glancing at the clock one more time. 3:05am. It was going to be a long night.

Lucas North
Word Count: 277

just muse me, home

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