chocolate-dipped bananas

Mar 15, 2014 11:40

The weather today is supposed to be pretty warm, so I wanted to make us a little frozen treat. As I mentioned before, DH and I are watching what we eat. I got the recipe for these chocolate-dipped bananas from a Jillian Michaels cookbook, so I figured these would be a good treat - if I can just have one at a time. Normally I don't use double-boilers because you can just as easily use a glass bowl over a saucepan, but since I happen to own a wonderful golden wheat double boiler, I decided to put that to good use.

The recipe said to cut the bananas into thirds, but because my bananas were on the small side, I just cut them in half. I didn't realize until I tried to dip them into the shallow chocolate the reason to cut into thirds. I used a spatula to spread it around on the bananas. Also, I didn't have any popsicle sticks or skewers, so I used plastic butter knives. I was worried that they would split the banana, so I tried a fork first, but the fork was too wide and it curved. Plus I didn't want to use forks since that's what you generally need when you use plastic utensils. But the bananas were just a little green, so they were firm enough to hold with either a fork or a knife.

Anyway, the recipe called for cinnamon, but I'm not a big fan, so I skipped it. I sprinkled half the bananas with almonds rather than hazelnuts, like the recipe says. Also, I used 9 ounces of 70% cacao chocolate rather than 8 ounces since I used 1 extra banana. But I could have gotten away with less even though I was laying it on pretty thick.

corningware in action, chocolate, bananas, dessert

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