wish me luck!

Nov 07, 2012 21:29

I promise I'll reply to the comments on my last post eventually. :) I would've done it sooner, but I got the details on the instruction session I have to give later that day, so I've been busily preparing that and my other presentation ever since.

If it gives you any idea, I didn't completely finalize the slides for either of these things until today. So yeah, lots of practicing and fretting and tweaking have been going on here.

I'm headed out tomorrow afternoon and Friday is the big day. I'm looking forward to when I'm on my way back, let me tell you! (I'm not fond of the fact that traveling in both directions involves layovers, ick.)

I have hopes for this and think I'm about as prepared as I could expect to be, and the rest is out of my hands. Thoughts/prayers would be appreciated on Friday!


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