Today is somehow the 20th anniversary of my LiveJournal, which on the one hand feels like it surely can't be that long and on the other hand does feel like almost a lifetime ago. So much has happened since then, like making new friends and losing them.
was one of the handful of folks who I "stalked" on LiveJournal before I had an account of my own (in ye olde days when you needed an invite!), and losing her last week was a shock. I'm very glad that
her kitties Harry and Penny have been found and are being cared for. I wasn't super close to Baranduin, but she's been a fixture the whole time I've been around and my f-list will be emptier without her. I'll also always remember how she was one of the folks who called me out on some intolerant idiocy pretty early in my time on the internet--as I recall, she even unfriended me for a bit, which definitely left an impression!--but she also didn't hold it against me (which was contrary to what I'd grown up to expect from interactions with my mom, but anyway).
Then on Monday one of the folks I've gotten to know through the Holmes fandom told our little circle on Discord that she has stage 4 uterine cancer. Hopefully she'll respond well to the chemo, but oy. And the shooting in Colorado Springs is hitting me harder than some of the other ones in the past, and I'm reading a book that's really resonating with some of my childhood stuff (
What My Bones Know: A memoir of healing from complex trauma, Stephanie Foo), so it's been kind of a lot lately, ha. I was really not okay Monday night, but I had a good cry over the end of RotK (when I was struck anew by the bit of line that I used as the subject) and I think that helped.
And it's Thanksgiving this week, so I'm spending most of the next several days with Bro and friends and thus in safe and sympathetic surroundings. I'll be imagining Baranduin and Febobe sharing a Thanksgiving spread of whatever they like without having to worry about blood sugars. ♥