
Sep 07, 2011 00:20

Fandom: U-KISS
Pairing: Elvin
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash
Summary: Eli tears his knee muscle. Kevin helps him recover faster.
3,541 words

The ongoing sweat and unbearable heat that filled the practice room, combined with the choreographer’s sighs of frustration let out at regular intervals made Eli want to get out of there and not come back until the next day.

It had been like that for months and, although they were considerably improving with each passing day, the dance still looked like it was missing the teamwork and dedication. No one was blaming them, since everyone knew how exhausting it was, having to repeat the same steps over and over, from early morning to late evening and how annoying must have been to realize that something still wasn’t going as planned. Even if their manager had wanted to say something scolding at one point, after seeing them arrive back at the dorm all worn out, crashing wherever they could find a free spot and refusing to get up, even for food, he’d thought they could use a little slack. After all, in his entire musical career, he hasn’t met anyone as dedicated as they were.

As soon as promotions for their previous song ended -and everybody still remembered how tiring that was- the company had already started making plans for a comeback, since their producers sustained that having new members was like owning a new shiny toy that they should brag about to the world. Their CEO had made a joke about how they’re like pirates who had just discovered an island filled with treasures -remark during which he pointed his head at Jaeseop and Hoonmin- and all they had to do is take full advantage of it, one trunk filled with gold at a time. No one complained because the members themselves knew how much they could use a bit more recognition, but Eli still felt like his company was exploiting every drain of energy it could.

When they weren’t dancing so much that they couldn’t stand on their legs anymore, they were in the studio, recording all night long. None of them lacked vocally, but their main producer was looking for a certain something that neither of them was familiar with, which meant starting from the beginning for hours, until everyone was fully satisfied. There always had to be complaints regarding the speed of the singing, the enunciation of the lines or the pitch of each syllable. Because the process was so slow, they didn’t have time to do anything else besides spending their entire time within the company’s building, moving from floor to floor according to their necessities.

When Soohyun mumbled one day about how they were basically living there, Kevin agreed and looked at Eli miserably. He had promised Eli he’d give him more attention, as soon as their routine would end, but when the manager happily announced he had already made plans for them until the end of the year, they looked at each other in horror and knew that their once calmer days were about to be over.

He took Kevin with him in the bathroom and kissed the life out of him the day before, making sure to part only if gasping for air was absolutely necessary.

‘God I missed this.’ Kevin said, looking at him longingly before reconnecting their lips. The younger’s tongue playing with his own was celestial to Eli, as he steadied his face in his palms and applied pressure.

‘I can’t believe we’ve been too tired these days to even kiss. Remind me to never do that again.’ Eli closed his eyes, bumping his nose with Kevin’s.

‘We both need to sleep. The comeback date is almost here.’

‘Fuck the comeback date, I’m going to turn insane if I have to go back in there one more time and hear Moonsung cursing the computer for being too slow again.’ Eli almost yawned.

‘We can’t bail now, we’re so close to finally getting number one.’ Kevin kissed the tip of his nose. ‘Besides, once this is over, maybe we’ll get a few days off. We’ll celebrate then. Just the two of us.’


‘Promise.’ He smiled, then pulled Eli into a hug and stood like that for a couple of minutes.

Hugs and kisses still didn’t feel like enough for Eli, who swore he’d kidnap Kevin the first chance they get and wouldn’t let go of him until they were both more drained of life than after practice. What he wasn’t expecting, though, was for a chance to come so quickly and conveniently.

On the day of their new music video filming, Eli tried his best at not letting his personal feelings get in the way, tried looking away and concentrate on his steps instead, but couldn’t pay much attention to anything happening on the set, since Kevin was standing there looking mesmerizingly attractive, with his disheveled hair and smoky eyes. It was like the make-up crew knew how sexually irked Eli would get from that, so they all agreed to apply an extra coat of powder on his lover’s face, just in case. He almost felt hard when the younger winked at him seductively, before proceeding onto the snowy stage to shoot his solo parts.

At noon, they had finally been allowed for a fifteen-minute break and that was all Eli needed to grab Kevin’s wrist and take him out of there. He guided him to their dressing room and closed the door behind, then turned to look at him from head to toe. Kevin smiled in anticipation, with his perfectly-shaped lips and enthralling crescent-moon-like eyes, before being taken aback by Eli suddenly pushing him against the wall.

He kneeled in front of him and unzipped his pants without struggle, as he had done it countless times before and dexterity wasn’t an issue anymore. Kevin looked down at him with a slight blush on his face, although the lust in his gaze visibly overthrew the embarrassment. The older took his underwear off in one pull, threw it somewhere on a chair and swallowed his manhood with greed.

Kevin moaned loudly, as he tangled his fingers in Eli’s hair, despite knowing he shouldn’t have. Their hairstylists would probably huff at them later on, but right then, his wet mouth all around his erection felt so good it didn’t even matter.

‘Mh, just like that.’ Kevin whispered, letting his head fall a little backwards. ‘Don’t stop.’

Eli looked up at him and grinned, then fastened the pace and let his hand pump up and down in the same rhythm with his neck movements. He twisted the base with his fingers and licked at its head with an overwhelming desire for more, before taking it in his mouth again. He felt Kevin’s hips shifting restlessly, but didn’t stop until his boyfriend began trembling and that was when he knew he was close.

Eli didn’t know if he’d allow himself to do anything like that on someone else and, before Kevin, he had been pretty sure that giving blowjobs wasn’t even his cup of tea. Surprisingly enough, though, over the years, he discovered that he very much enjoyed doing it to Kevin - and it made him feel even better when he was certain he was good at it, by the younger’s loud orgasms and unending pleads for more.

He let his hands rest on Kevin’s knees and encouraged him to thrust into his mouth, knowing how insane it drew him.

‘You sure?’ he asked breathlessly.

‘Do it.’ Eli replied on a commanding voice, before straightening his back and coming closer.

Kevin licked his lips, grabbed the hair at the back of his head gently and obeyed, sighing heavily soon after he started. Eli watched his face the entire time, enraptured by his closed eyes and parted lips and felt himself going harder with each passing second.

‘You feel so good.’ He said between short breaths, not realizing he had begun messing up Eli’s hair. It wasn’t long before he came with a muffled scream, as every muscle in his body tensed. Eli waited for him to release everything, then got up and cleaned both of them with a tissue.

‘Thank you.’ Kevin said faintly after a while, pulling his white pants back up. ‘I needed that.’

‘I know you did.’ Eli smirked. ‘Go, before the others suspect something.’

‘What about you?’ he asked, looking down at his bulge. ‘We have to do something about that.’ He pulled the hem of his jeans.

‘I’m fine, I just need a few minutes. Go, I’ll be outside soon.’ Eli waived his hand nonchalantly, urging for him to head for the door.

‘Fine.’ Kevin replied, before taking one last look in the mirror. ‘But you’re getting the favor returned, I promise.’ He blew a kiss in the air and headed out, before Eli could add anything else.

Fortunately, no one had noticed their flushed faces and assumed the sweat was from the intense choreography, as well as the messed up hairstyles and wrinkled clothes. Their band mates made a few comments about their leveled up energy and asked if they’d been drinking energizers without them again, but no other suspicions were raised.

Their manager made them start practice again the next day, this time for their comeback stage and pre-appearances, before they’d start the official promotions. Like it wasn’t already hard enough for all of them because they hadn’t been able to see their families in ages, and like the intensive work-out hours they had to subdue to weren’t sufficiently tiring, Eli had to add something up to the pile of torments and tore a muscle in his knee, causing an inevitable absence from the big performance day. The doctor had to be an bonehead and tell his manager he was in need of at least ten days of rest, which meant no more spending time with the others for the next week and a half.

He thought he could at least get a little compassion, but woke up the next day to find the entire household empty, with a note on his nightstand. He rubbed at his eyes lazily and picked up the pink, heart-shaped note Kevin had left, which said ‘Rest. And eat. And rest some more >0<’. He smiled and put the note in his wallet, next to the other dozens of notes he had left him over time. Kevin enjoyed writing cheesy lines like that to Eli, although the gesture had never been reciprocated and had no clue about the collection his lover had started. Eli was always making fun of him, pointing out how mushy he oftentimes acted, hence he knew that Kevin would finally have something to shut his mouth with if he ever found out.

Eli got up and barely walked into the kitchen, poured cereals and milk in a bowl and turned on the TV. He hated being alone in the dorm and had gotten so used to the constant noise his members made, that he needed a source of clamor in the background. As he began munching unhurriedly, he checked his phone for messages his fans usually left. Most of them were ‘Get well soon!’ wishes, among some video links a few people left. He left a reply, assuring everyone he was going to be fine, then put his phone aside and turned on the volume of the TV.

After browsing through a few channels, his fingers instantly stopped on the music one, where his band mates were performing the song he had practiced so much for. He didn’t even dare to blink, afraid he might miss something and couldn’t take his eyes off Kevin during the entire performance, wishing he could have been there with them, at least backstage.

As soon as the gig ended and he watched the screen show them getting off-stage, his phone beeped with the very familiar sound of new messages. One of them was from Kevin, who had publicly admitted how awkward it felt dancing without him. Eli smiled and was about to reply back, when he changed his mind and pulled out another cell-phone, the one he usually kept for messaging. He text messaged Kevin he missed him and sent it without adding anything else, then resumed going through the TV channels mindlessly.

Less than an hour later, when Eli had gotten so bored he felt like opening the window and jumping, he heard a key being switched in the lock. He waited for the steps to make their way to him, then his eyes met with Kevin’s, who was beaming cheerfully.

‘Well, then.’ Kevin said, taking off his jacket and making himself comfortable on the couch, in Eli’s arms.

‘You can’t stay away from me for one minute, huh?’ the older grinned, giving him a peck on the lips.

‘Oh, please.’ Kevin rolled his eyes. ‘And what was that message all about?’

‘At least I admit it. What are you doing here?’

‘We have a few hours off, then we’re back at the company. The choreographer wants to make some adjustments to the dance. You know, to make it easier to perform. We were kind of out of breath today.’ He got up and grabbed a soda from the fridge, then came back to sit leaned against Eli’s chest.

‘Yeah, I noticed. It was about time.’

Kevin took a few sips, gave him one, then made a thinking face.

‘Listen, I was wondering. You should buy a car.’

Eli shot one eyebrow up.

‘What’s with that all of a sudden?’

‘Well first you break your arm, then your leg. What’s next? You need to find an easier way to move around.’

‘I pulled a muscle. I didn’t break my leg.’

‘Not yet, at least.’

‘And how do you expect me to drive around with broken limbs?’ Eli gave him an amused look.

‘A car is useful for more things.’ Kevin took another sip.


‘Like if we’re invaded by zombies. Imagine they take over the world one day - there’ll be people screaming in terror, running frantically in all directions, trying to save their lives, corpses spread on the streets, morbid sceneries wherever you look, while those disgusting creatures rise from the graves and from under the concrete and begin feasting on humans.’

Eli stared at him skeptically.

‘And what’s the obvious thing to do?’ Kevin continued. ‘Run away, of course. But you can’t do it by foot, because they’re everywhere and, sooner or later, they’re going to slow you down. So the most evident solution would be taking the car. And boom, you don’t have one. Next thing you know, your name appears in the next morning paper, listed as one of the victims from the massacre. Face it, you need a car.’ He concluded.

‘To run away from flesh-consuming zombies?’ Eli question on a bored tone.

‘Why else would you buy one?’ Kevin looked at him like he was the one being deluded. ‘That, or if you want to get from point A to point C.’

‘What happened to point B?’

‘I’ll be having a secret affair at point B and you can’t be there.’

‘I see.’ Eli mused. ‘And what will you be doing during your secret affair?’

Kevin paused for a second to watch his face, then finished his soda and placed the can down. He looked at the clock.

‘I can show you.’ He eventually said, getting up. ‘I still have a little more time.’

'I most certainly wouldn't mind.' Eli let himself be dragged into the bedroom, where Kevin opened a window and threw the pillows on the floor. He then unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. He did the same with Eli’s hoodie, before tossing him on the mattress facing up, only to position himself above him, with his knees brought up to either side of his waist.

'What was that for?' the older asked, pointing at the two yellow pillows lying near the bed.

'We need the space.' Kevin answered simply, as he pulled his zip down and then took his jeans off.

'I'm already anticipating.'

'You better.'

Kevin undressed completely and didn't break the eye contact, although it was very clear his face was flushed. He let Eli watch his every movement and let him admire his pelvic area, as he stood on his knees and stretched the material of the underwear, then let it drop in one go and tossed on top of the pillows. Eli wanted to do the same, but he stopped his hand with a short flicker of the fingers and told him he wasn't allowed to move a muscle. He straightened his body until his face was on the same level as Eli's and kissed him passionately, while removing his pants with caution. After both of them were completely naked, Kevin pressed their hard-ons together and moved the kisses down his neck, across his chest and his stomach.

Eli wanted to do something, wanted to at least be able to shift, but he was firmly being held by his wrists, while Kevin steadied his legs with his own weight. After lowering his head even more, he circled his muscle with his wet tongue, causing Eli to almost tremor with excitement, then licked along its length, stopping right before the tip. The sensation was arousing, Kevin noticed, since his lover was trying not to arch his back too much and groaned in pleasure.

'Stop moving so much.' he smiled. 'I'm doing meticulous work here. I need to concentrate.'

'If this is what you call meticulous, I don't even want to know the adjective for an actual blowjob.' Eli gasped, as Kevin swallowed half of it, sucked at its head, then went for a deeper attempt and let it sip inside his mouth for a few seconds. He repeated the process a few more times, until Eli turned so hard he could already feel the taste of pre-cum.

'Where did you even learn to do that?' the older asked interruptedly, clutching at the sheets and messing them up. He had to move his head from left to right a few times, to refrain his mind from going wild.

'You think that's all?' Kevin asked sweetly, then got up on his knees again. 'You disappoint me.'

'Why did you stop?' Eli questioned baffled, suddenly undergoing a sense of frustration. He was so aroused and close to climax, that Kevin pausing all of a sudden had been the worst timing.

'That was the warm-up.' The younger pulled out a small bottle of lube from the drawer, then grinned at him and emptied a generous amount into his palm. He rubbed it all over Eli's erection firmly, pulling it a little with each push.

'Oh, that feels good.' Eli closed his eyes.

'Yes it does.' Kevin said, before taking a few more drops on the tips of his index and middle fingers and teasing at his entrance. He let them fully slip in shortly after, then closed the cap and placed the purple lotion on the nightstand.

'Remember, don't move.' he warned Eli. 'I'm doing all the job today.'

'When you're standing there looking like that, I wouldn't dare.'

Kevin went for another kiss, then slowly settled himself right above Eli's manhood. He grabbed it with one hand, held it stable and gently lowered his body, as his mouth opened to take in as much air as his lungs permitted. The feeling of his boyfriend filling him up was exhilarating, while he let Eli push inside him deeper than ever before. Kevin moaned in delight and kissed him tenderly, before beginning to move his hips in a circular motion. He'd normally raise and lower his waist several times, like he had done on so many previous occasions, but this time he felt like trying something new.

Apparently Eli didn't mind at all, since the heat surrounding his member, along with the rhythmic movements made the entire experience so much more sensual. He let out a few breaths and started following Kevin's action, unable to control his own body from twisting. It felt so good, his erection was almost beginning to hurt, but wouldn't stop for anything in the world.

'Hng, you're so hard.' Kevin whispered erotically, letting his hands caress his own chest. 'Come with me.'

'I'm close. You're so tight, and hot, and... oh.' Eli watched him going faster and felt like he was about to see stars. It didn't last much longer, since a few instants later he released inside him with an outcry. Kevin reached his peek just a few seconds later, spilling the sticky substance all across Eli's stomach and the sheets.

After catching their breaths and cleaning up the damp material, Kevin hid the plastic bottle in its rightful place under the socks, grabbed one of the pillows from the floor and went to Eli's side, cuddling at his chest with a smile.

'We're definitely going to do that again.' Eli said.


'Very soon, believe me.'

He traced some random patterns around his nipples, then looked up at his face.

'Promise me you'll recover by the time we get first place.' Kevin voiced seriously.


'Because I want you to be the first person I hug when we win. I want you to be there.'

Eli laughed softly and kissed him.

'I wouldn't miss it for the world.'

elvin, oneshot

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