Jan 17, 2006 01:21
Tis interesting when you mind ponders all the evils in the world.
As I listen to "24" that is on TV in the Living Room... it makes you wonder again. Nearly daily I dream of a life rather isolated from this sick world. Even after watching "The Lady and the Highwayman"... to hear & see old tales of romance of adventure & love... it makes me dream... wish... imagine. & people wonder why people daydream. With hells you see daily on TV or elsewhere of this God-forsaken world... Why not let our imaginations run free?
Imagine this...
To have an island or a couple of them in an area for those of us "pirates" to enjoy what we all love... portraying piracy or even the historical part of the Colonial era from the late 1500's to the late 1700's.
To have our trade between our islands & the Modern world be damned as we take what we want & need. Or be supplied right well. Tourists I suppose would be welcomed.
Our ships would look like those days of old... sailing ships with cannons & all.
The islands with fortresses... plantations of various sorts... Men dressed like the era... women dressed also in the era... with some modern convinences like plumbing, running water, etc... but with some old day luxuries like horse & carriage if we so desire.
I... I can see myself on an island with other pirates. I would have a plantation. Not unlike the one that Morgan had. To have ships. To have some fine horses. & I would dress much like the women of the era.
Crazy... I know. Silly & just absurd.
Is it? When it's part of what only keeps me sane so I don't go insane? There is a reason to allow ourselves such things. Never to restrict ourselves.
I can see it. How beautiful it is. My dreams. I... a Lady of a piratical island, part of a piratical brethren & parliment that governs over waters but not over people unless it be over those who wish to suppress us pirates. Aye... I can see it. I can see the UN not liking us by any means. But... if they dare to mess with us Pirates... they'd find their end! Warriors.. are not made by technology... they are made by desperation & courage. From the strength within.
I can see myself as that Lady... to have a plantation on the island. To have lovely horses... to grow what I wish & do what I wish upon my land according to the Code of the Brethren.
I can see myself as the fine Horsewoman I dream of being. With dogs beside me.. & a falcon upon my arm. With the array of weapons so spectacular that they would be considered art.
Be that Lady with the finest of attire. Jewels adorning my body with a feline upon my lap to be my companion.
But a better companion would be that pirate Love my heart longs for. Aye... a feline upon my lap... but I would be upon his lap... as well as in his bed. And he.. in my bed. Be it upon our fine ships or in our fine estates. A pirate needs at least 1 constant Lover to warm our beds & console us when we need it most.
Can you imagine if you were a part of this old style society in this odd world?
If it formed & there were islands with us pirates to dwell upon. Would you be there? Would you have the same dreams? Would you want land or ships? Wealth galore? Would you be a Lady or Lord of a piece of land? Or a Commander of the Oceans? Would you want various animals for you entertainment or pets?
What would be your dreams in this dream world?