Just... a taste. Please?

Jan 08, 2006 06:30

The day was not so bad. Filled my gullet with some fine foods of various sorts enough to make ol' King George jealous!
Better yet... having some Capt'n & Coke. Aaaayyyyeeee... what a grand taste that was! I dare say I missed the spicy taste of rum upon my tongue & warming me as it goes down into my belly. Warming the whole of me at the same time. A tad bit mixed with that sweet drink.... Ahhhh... what a treat that be indeed! Barbossa... if you be reading this... I hopes to be giving you a tad bit of help in remembering the taste of such delights. I can truly sympathize with your curse. Ye've NO idea how much I can sympathize.
Alas... I was highly disappointed in the Tampa Bay Buccaneers this eve with their loss. Damnable ruffians. Dare I say would they last more than a fort night aboard ship?
My seafaring days will be defered for a spell until the warmer months as I am called to be doing more... use with the Equines. Aye, I be looking forward to that. A step closer to being a fearsome Horsewoman.

Oh! And dare I be so bold as to state a huge disappointment here? AYE! I dare!
I be heavily disappointed! Why, says you? I'll tell ye.
Adventure, romance, mystery, & more... I have been hoping for. Did I get it? Not in the slightest chance in Hell! Why, again says you? It be because of not a soul be willing to take pleasure in such adventures. In the words of modern English... these past few months no postings on Role Playing Games & stories! They've all died! ALL of them! All the ones I am in have pretty much just... fizzled up! Aye... I'm disappointed. Many of them had some fabulous stories to them such as one that's in Pan Historia... Tales of the Seven Seas... That one has been running for a long time yet the wait... well, hardly a soul has posted. I can't be making my move until certain people do. It's not fun waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting... mostly for months upon end.
Other Role Playing Stories are the same. Great stories & plots... just not a soul to post.
Understandable that people are busy. I am, too! But I still make & take that time to check ALL of my stories & post if so needed.

The interest in Piracy has... dwindled. We know now who be REAL Pirates!

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