Title: The lovers' dance (1/3)
Words: a 221B has 221 words and ends with a b-word
Rating: Pg-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by
atlinmerrick. Day 260.
Previous 221b:
Cross a bridge when you come to it Today's prompt: party
The lovers' dance (1/3)
“Why would you agree on coming on both of our accounts? I certainly don’t want to go.”
“It’s Molly’s and Greg’s engagement party, of course we are going. And you are going to be agreeable, nice and friendly. Or at least silent.”
“What am I supposed to do there? You know I abhor small talk, I don’t drink and I don’t mix well with strangers. What else does one do at a party?”
“Dance? Plus, there will be people you know and we don’t have to stay forever.”
“I don’t dance. I hate dancing.”
“You’ve never danced with me. It might change your mind.”
Sherlock looked at him questioningly. John huffed.
“I’ve always assumed you’d move rather awkwardly on a dance floor.”
“It’s not about looking good, it’s about having fun. And if you do it with someone you like, it can be very sensual.”
Sherlock didn’t look convinced which gave John an idea.
“All right. I will give you a test run later and if you enjoy dancing with me then you’ll come to the party with me tonight without complaining. Deal?”
“You’re very confident of your dancing abilities.”
“You took your mobile out to text Lestrade that we are coming without even waiting for my reply.”
“I am very good. But I really wouldn’t want to boast.”
Next 221b:
Good things come to those who wait ------------------
Today's prompt was 'party'.
Ha, I finally managed to change my flight this morning. Note to self: don't bother to try calling in the evening, do it at 6 in the morning. Instant connection!
Everybody, go read Atlin's wee fic
Buuzzzz! Filed under: head canon!