Fic: 221B - Cross a bridge when you come to it

Mar 11, 2013 19:01

Title: Cross a bridge when you come to it
Words: a 221B has 221 words and ends with a b-word
Rating: Pg-13
Pairings : Sherlock/John
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Summary: ‘365 days of 221Bs’ challenge: a prompt a day, given by atlinmerrick. Day 259.

Previous 221b: Friendly advice

Today's prompt: Tower of London


Cross a bridge when you come to it

Sherlock uses walking through London as a therapeutic measure. It helps calm his mind so that he can think more clearly, it helps when he is impatient and restless, when he feels caged in at home and the only other option would be to start a fight with John and channel his frustration into anger.

And while sometimes fighting with John has its benefits (especially the make-up sex), he usually tries to avoid it.

Instead he walks through London with a brisk pace. Sometimes he goes alone, sometimes he asks John to accompany him.

Like today, when he felt like strolling along the Thames. They’ve reached the City Hall when his head has cleared enough for him to engage with the world again. John, leaning against the railing, smiles at him when he feels the change and starts talking.

“You know, I’ve never been in the Tower. Except for that brief and completely insane afternoon when we helped arrest the idiot who was trying to steal the crown jewels. Maybe we should go some time?”


“Oh. All right.”

Sherlock’s forehead frowns.

“You want to go.”

“Yeah, that’s why I asked.”

Sherlock cocks his head and looks at him for a minute, then he nods and says, “Fine. Let’s go.”

John smiles and interlaces their fingers as they cross the bridge.

Next 221b: The lovers' dance

Today's prompt was 'Tower of London'.

Good Lord, one of my flights was changed and I need to talk to the airline about it. I have been on hold for the past 20 minutes and they have the worst on-hold music ever. It makes my ears hurt. *sobs*


221b, fluff, sherlock_bbc, life stuff, slash, london, prompt-fill, love, sorry no porn, 365 days challenge, sherlock/john

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